How to update AMP to the latest version

1. Overview

AMP has several components that are updated independently:

Component Description
AMP instance manager This is the command line tool used to configure instances
AMP instances These include ADS (the main instance, which manages other instances) and the instances that run applications like game servers
Generic Module instance configurations Instances created using the Generic Module have a “template” configuration that tells the Generic Module how to configure the instance. Most instance types in AMP use the Generic Module

Each component and the method for updating it is discussed below.

Note this article focuses on updating AMP’s components. The game server or other application that is managed by an AMP instance is also updated separately - by managing the instance and clicking “Update” on the Metrics and Status page.

2. Updating the instance manager

2.1 Linux

Important Note

If after following the below instructions, ampinstmgr is not being updated, it may be due to an outdated or disabled CubeCoders repo on your system.

On more recent versions of AMP run:
sudo su -l
getamp addRepo

On older versions run:
sudo su -l
bash <(wget -qO- addRepo

Then retry the relevant commands below.

On more recent versions of AMP you can handle updating both the AMP instance manager (ampinstmgr) and AMP instances by running the following commands:

sudo su -l
getamp update

If you want to use a specific download mirror, use the AMP_MIRROR environment variable when running getamp, eg:

AMP_MIRROR=us-central getamp update

(Note this doesn’t apply to the AMP instance manager download, only the zip file for AMP instances.)

On Linux older installs you’ll need to update the AMP instance manager (ampinstmgr) via your distribution’s package manager:


sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade

This will update all packages on your system. If you want to only update AMP then replace the second command with:

sudo apt upgrade ampinstmgr

CentOS/Fedora/Red Hat/rpm-based

sudo yum update

This will update all packages on your system. If you want to only update AMP then run:

sudo yum update ampinstmgr

2.2 Windows

  • Make sure all instances are fully stopped. You can do this by running ampinstmgr stopall in the command prompt.

  • Verify no AMP process are running in Task Manager and end them if so.

  • Download a fresh copy of the installer and run the installation again, selecting the option appropriate to your situation.

  • Due to issues with upgrades on Windows, it’s best to run the AMPSetup.msi installer a second time choosing the repair option to ensure all items are upgraded fully.

3. Updating your AMP instances

Windows and Linux

ADS can manage instances that are of a similar version, where all parts of the version number are the same except the last. For example ADS version could manage an instance of version or, but not of

When you do upgrade instances, do so as the user running AMP (such as amp on Linux or AMP on Windows). On Linux, switch to the amp user by running sudo su -l amp.

You can run the following command line (on both platforms) to bulk-upgrade all of your AMP instances:

ampinstmgr upgradeall

Sometimes you may wish to only update ADS, and then use the web interface to upgrade instances via the update button on the instances (or the Update All button):

ampinstmgr upgrade ADS

On Windows, it may be necessary to reboot the system after updating AMP.

If you want to use a specific download mirror , use the flag --mirror when running ampinstmgr, eg:

ampinstmgr upgradeall --mirror us-central

4. Updating Generic Module instance configurations

The only way currently to update the “template” configurations for Generic Module instances is via ADS. That is, you must use either:

  • the update button on the instance tile: Update
  • the “Update All” button at the top of the instance list: Update All

Updating from the command line, or updating from the Support and Updates tab inside the instance, won’t update the Generic Module template configurations.

Generic Module templates can be changed at any time - they don’t need to wait for a new AMP release. So it is a good idea to keep your templates and Generic Module instances up to date.

In some cases after you update a Generic Module instance configuration, you will also need to update the application that the instance manages to get all the changes applied. This particularly affects Palworld, Arma Reforger, DayZ and The Isle, but can also affect servers like Arma 3, any Source or GoldSrc server, Veloren, Necesse and others. Manage the instance and click “Update” on the Status page to do this.