Fresh AMP Install, Instances won't start

OS Name/Version: Windows Server 2022

Product Name/Version: Callisto, v2.5.0.6

Problem Description: Unable to start an instance on AMP, fresh install

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Install AMP
  2. Setup new instance of Minecraft Java
  3. Start the instance

Actions taken to resolve so far:

I’ve reinstalled windows, reinstalled amp on two different hardware systems and had the same results. I’ve also received identical results with Debian as the OS.
The system things it is starting and hangs on Waiting for data, application waiting. So, i went into the logs and took a screenshot which I’ve attached here as well. It shows the instance license then it complains saying Expected licence feature RunAmp is not present and that no license was found right after it shows the license was there.


The log says you need to reactivate the instance.
Did you accidentally put in the developer license when setting up your install?

Nope. I used the professional edition license i have. I did the reactivation and it reproduced the same results.

Odd, is there anything in the ADS’ log?

I am seeing nothing out of the ordinary in the logs just notes that the instance was stopped. Set log level to debug, attempted to start the instance and received the same thing.

This wasn’t set up as an “McMyAdmin” instance wasn’t it?

it was setup as a fresh amp install via the website for setup files.

I mean the instance you created - I can’t see how it’s possible for AMP to report in its logs that a licence is present while also saying that the RunAMP feature isn’t present.

Im not sure how its possible to create an instance for McMyAdmin. I created a new instance directly from the drop down choosing Minecraft Java Edition. No where was it indicated to be for McMyAdmin.

Okay that’s fine so that’s not the issue then. Does this happen with other instance types? Also do you have either a wireless network adapter or VPN software installed?

I just tried creating a few more instances for different games, all give the same error shown in screenshot above. No wireless adapter, no vpn involved.

Can you just hit the licence manager and sanity check that the licence is visible and not showing as disabled/expired etc?

I logged in to the licence manager and nothing shows expired. For some reason it thinks i have 8 activations from all of my attempts to get it running yet only one is valid. Could that do it? How to resolve? If not that, Im at a loss as to why it would see the license and then say no i dont see it.

Could you please turn on Debug logging for that instance? While it’s stopped, edit it’s AMPConfig.conf and set the Log Level to 0.

Edit: Also sanity check that the servers date and time are correct.

Confirmed at debug, no new information provided upon attempt to start instance. It continues to act like it is the first time that instance is starting then produces the logs as shown.

As for the time, It was suggesting me set the server to UTC+0 so I did and it is still producing the same issues.

Could you post the full debug log anyway please, it’ll have line starting with Debug. Gives me more information on what the problem might be.

AMPLOG from the Minecraft instance is uploaded here.

If you run the reactivate command it gives you, does the network interface ID and physical address (and machine hash for that matter) match on the subsequent log?

Indeed, the network ID and physical address all match on the log.