Update Failure with Application Deployment - cant import instances after amp loosing them

System Information

Field Value
Operating System Windows - Windows 10 Pro on x86_64
Product AMPService ‘Phobos’ v2.6.0.6 (Mainline)
Virtualization None
Application Application Deployment
Module ADSModule
Running in Container No
Current State Indeterminate

Problem Description


either it tried updating and failed or crashed and acted like i had to reinstall amp instance.after that it shows no game instances. i tried restoring a backup of the instance and nothing. i made sure it was pointed to the right directory and i clicked repair which then it acts like it is importing then as i get a progress bar and it finds them but then they dont show up. if i restart the program the same thing happens. error on console screen says that it finds an unmanaged instance but cant guarantee it.

Reproduction Steps

  • used a instance backup.
  • made sure it was looking at the correct directory
  • restarted amp
  • restarted the pc

You need to restore the instances.json in the datastore by copying and renaming one of the instances.json-xxxx.bak files. Then from there run ampinstmgr fixperms in CMD and reboot.

The issue would’ve originally been caused by your CLI tools being v2.5, while your instances were on v2.6. Updating the ADS instance via the UI is bugged, but even if it worked that doesn’t update the CLI tools, as that needs to be done using a fresh MSI (AMP itself doesn’t have the permissions to do it).
From what you’ve said, you’ve probably indirectly updated the CLI tools, but you can check by running ampinstmgr version to see if it prints out v2.6.0.6.

Update guide for future reference: