Startup Issue with Minecraft - Modded Minecraft server fails to start

System Information

Field Value
Operating System Linux - Debian GNU/Linux 12 on x86_64
Product AMP ‘Callisto’ v2.5.1.4 (Mainline)
Virtualization Docker
Application Minecraft
Module MinecraftModule
Running in Container Yes
Current State Failed

Problem Description


I am trying to run a Minecraft Server with the Vault Hunters 3rd Edition verson 3.15.3 modpack. In trying to launch the server, I am getting an error saying that Minecraft has crashed multiple times trying to start. No crash report files are being produced by the server, and the log file shows an error towards the end about trying to load an achievements config file. I have reinstalled the files to ensure I have the correct versions and I have tried launching with different versions of Java selected.

Reproduction Steps

  • Verified that the modpack’s server files are installed, not the client files
  • Tried launching the server with different versions of Java
  • Added arguments to the user_jvm_args.txt file

@CubeCoders-Bot Could you check this users logs outs please.

Alrighty, let’s dive into those logs and see what’s making your Minecraft server go boom rather than vroom. :boom:

Since the modded Minecraft server is crashing with an error around the achievements config file, let’s start off by taking a look at the tail end of your log files. Could you please share the relevant part of the log where this error appears? Just paste the text here so I can read it easily.

:robot: This post was produced by an AI controlled by CubeCoders Limited - Feedback

The last 30ish lines of the log. The 3rd line is where the error occurs:

[13Aug2024 05:14:38.565] [modloading-worker-0/INFO] [iskallia.vault.VaultMod/]: Reading config: bingo
[13Aug2024 05:14:38.636] [modloading-worker-0/INFO] [iskallia.vault.VaultMod/]: Reading config: achievements/achievements
[13Aug2024 05:14:38.647] [modloading-worker-0/ERROR] [iskallia.vault.VaultMod/]: Could not deserialize {“delegate”:{“id”:“achivement_tree”,“renderer”:{“overview”:{“dragging”:false},“details”:{“dragging”:false},“modifiers”:{},“type”:“achievement”},“type”:“achievement”},“operating”:false,“children”:[{“delegate”:{“id”:“kill_20_zombies”,“renderer”:{“name”:“Kill 20 Zombies”,“description”:“Sample description about killing 20 zombies.”,“icon”:“the_vault:textures/gui/achievements/altar.png”,“position”:[0.0,0.0],“hidden”:false,“type”:“achievement”},“filter”:“@the_vault:zombie”,“counter”:{“variables”:{},“target”:{“count”:20,“type”:“constant”},“type”:“target”},“type”:“kill_entity”},“operating”:false,“children”:[{“delegate”:{“renderer”:{“type”:“achievement”},“transmogs”:[“the_vault:gear/armor/angel/helmet”,“the_vault:gear/armor/angel/chestplate”,“the_vault:gear/armor/angel/leggings”,“the_vault:gear/armor/angel/boots”],“consumed”:false,“type”:“transmog_reward”},“operating”:false,“children”:,“type”:“node”},{“delegate”:{“title”:“Kill 20 Zombies”,“message”:“${player} has achieved ${title}!”,“icon”:“the_vault:textures/gui/achievements/altar.png”,“consumed”:false,“type”:“achievement_complete”},“operating”:false,“children”:,“type”:“node”}],“type”:“node”}],“type”:“node”}
[13Aug2024 05:14:38.656] [modloading-worker-0/INFO] [iskallia.vault.VaultMod/]: Reading config: antiques
[13Aug2024 05:14:38.698] [modloading-worker-0/INFO] [iskallia.vault.VaultMod/]: Reading config: card/modifiers
[13Aug2024 05:14:38.830] [modloading-worker-0/INFO] [iskallia.vault.VaultMod/]: Reading config: card/scalers
[13Aug2024 05:14:38.860] [modloading-worker-0/INFO] [iskallia.vault.VaultMod/]: Reading config: card/conditions
[13Aug2024 05:14:38.888] [modloading-worker-0/INFO] [iskallia.vault.VaultMod/]: Reading config: card/tasks
[13Aug2024 05:14:38.896] [modloading-worker-0/INFO] [iskallia.vault.VaultMod/]: Reading config: card/booster_packs
[13Aug2024 05:14:38.915] [modloading-worker-0/INFO] [iskallia.vault.VaultMod/]: Reading config: card/decks
[13Aug2024 05:14:38.929] [modloading-worker-0/INFO] [iskallia.vault.VaultMod/]: Reading config: card_essence_extractor
[13Aug2024 05:14:38.936] [modloading-worker-0/INFO] [iskallia.vault.VaultMod/]: Reading config: offering_boss
[13Aug2024 05:14:38.946] [modloading-worker-0/INFO] [iskallia.vault.VaultMod/]: Reading config: bounty/task/kill_entity
[13Aug2024 05:14:38.966] [modloading-worker-0/INFO] [iskallia.vault.VaultMod/]: Reading config: bounty/task/damage_entity
[13Aug2024 05:14:38.977] [modloading-worker-0/INFO] [iskallia.vault.VaultMod/]: Reading config: bounty/task/completion
[13Aug2024 05:14:38.993] [modloading-worker-0/INFO] [iskallia.vault.VaultMod/]: Reading config: bounty/task/item_submission
[13Aug2024 05:14:39.005] [modloading-worker-0/INFO] [iskallia.vault.VaultMod/]: Reading config: bounty/task/item_discovery
[13Aug2024 05:14:39.025] [modloading-worker-0/INFO] [iskallia.vault.VaultMod/]: Reading config: bounty/task/mining
[13Aug2024 05:14:39.039] [modloading-worker-0/INFO] [iskallia.vault.VaultMod/]: Reading config: bounty/bounties
[13Aug2024 05:14:39.043] [modloading-worker-0/INFO] [iskallia.vault.VaultMod/]: Reading config: bounty/rewards
[13Aug2024 05:14:39.091] [modloading-worker-0/INFO] [iskallia.vault.VaultMod/]: Reading config: bounty/entities
[13Aug2024 05:14:39.102] [modloading-worker-0/INFO] [iskallia.vault.VaultMod/]: Reading config: bounty/ores
[13Aug2024 05:14:39.104] [modloading-worker-0/INFO] [iskallia.vault.VaultMod/]: Vault Configs are loaded successfully!
[13Aug2024 05:14:39.106] [modloading-worker-0/INFO] [iskallia.vault.VaultMod/]: Reading config: gen/templates
[13Aug2024 05:14:39.125] [modloading-worker-0/DEBUG] [mixin/]: Mixing MixinNBTSizeTracker from assets/the_vault/the_vault.mixins.json into net.minecraft.nbt.NbtAccounter
[13Aug2024 05:14:39.126] [modloading-worker-0/DEBUG] [mixin/]: Mixing accessor.NbtAccounterAccessor from create.mixins.json into net.minecraft.nbt.NbtAccounter
[13Aug2024 05:14:39.126] [modloading-worker-0/DEBUG] [mixin/]: create.mixins.json:accessor.NbtAccounterAccessor: Class version 61 required is higher than the class version supported by the current version of Mixin (JAVA_16 supports class version 60)

Alright, it looks like the error is related to the version of Java you’re using. Your log mentions that the mod ‘create.mixins.json’ needs a class version higher than what Java 16 supports.

Here’s what you can do:

  1. Upgrade Java: Ensure you have a version of Java installed that supports class version 61. Java 17 or above should work fine.

    On AMP, you can install new Java versions with this command:

    getamp installJava

    This will install all relevant Java versions.

  2. Set the Correct Java Version in AMP:

    • Go to your Minecraft instance in the AMP web interface.
    • Use the search box to find “Java” settings.
    • Change the Java version to the one you just installed.

Once you’ve done this, try starting your server again.

Let me know if you need more steps or run into any spoilers along the way!

:robot: This post was produced by an AI controlled by CubeCoders Limited - Feedback

Class version 61 required is higher than the class version supported by the current version of Mixin (JAVA_16 supports class version 60)

This possibly suggests that a lower Java version is required since Mixin is one of the loaded libraries. If there is a mismatch though this could just be a bad selection of mods/incompatible mods that have conflicting Java version requirements. Maybe Java 16 would be the version to try. You’ll want to check that it is actually the exact same error with different versions because you did say you’ve tried multiple Java versions already.

Got it. It seems there might be a mismatch with mod compatibility. Based on @CubeCoders - Mike’s suggestions, here’s an alternate approach:

  1. Ensure Java 16 is installed: Make sure Java 16 is one of the versions installed. If not, install it using:

    getamp installJava
  2. Set to Java 16:

    • Go to your Minecraft instance in the AMP web interface.
    • Use the search box in the top right to find “Java” settings.
    • Make sure the Java version is set to Java 16.
  3. Check Mod Compatibility: Review and ensure that all mods used are compatible with that specific Java version. Mod conflicts can sometimes cause issues like these.

Try those steps and restart the server. If there’s still trouble, we might need to dive deeper into which specific mods are causing the conflicts. :hammer_and_wrench:

Keep me posted!

:robot: This post was produced by an AI controlled by CubeCoders Limited - Feedback

getamp installJava does not install Java 16. Bad bot.

In this case the server requires Java 17 but the Mixin mod only supports up to Java 16. So a bad modpack

Ah, the delightful world of modpack conflicts :sweat_smile:. Thanks @Greelan.

It looks like your modpack has a mixin mod that’s not compatible with the required Java version. Here’s what you can do:

  1. Review and Modify the Modpack: Disable or replace the conflicting mods, especially the mixin mod requiring Java 16. Find an alternative mod or ensure all your mods are aligned to the same Java version requirements.

  2. Ensure Java 17 is set:

    • Go to your Minecraft instance in the AMP web interface.
    • Use the search box to find “Java” settings.
    • Set the Java version to Java 17.

Fixing modpack conflicts can be tricky, so it might take a bit of trial and error. Let me know if you need help identifying the specific mods giving you trouble!

:robot: This post was produced by an AI controlled by CubeCoders Limited - Feedback

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