Startup Issue with DayZ (Stable) - Unable to start

System Information

Field Value
Operating System Windows - Windows Server 2022 on x86_64
Product AMP ‘Callisto’ v2.5.1.8 (Mainline)
Virtualization None
Application DayZ (Stable)
Module GenericModule
Running in Container No
Current State Failed

Problem Description


This task could not be completed: Starting DayZ (Stable)… - - State: 3.

I got the following error message:
A required runtime is missing. This is likely to be a C++ or DirectX runtime. You can install them by running ampinstmgr DownloadCPPRuntime in an elevated command prompt.

I updated dirctx ,msvs c++ and restarted the server - nothing changed…

Reproduction Steps

  • installed dayz server
  • installed mods
  • tried to start

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