Oracle Cloud Astroneer Server Running but can't join


I am going to keep trying on oracle for now. XD I don’t have the guts to open ports on my home network and give my IP to strangers


Operating system: Canonical Ubuntu hosted on Oracle Cloud

Version:** 20.04


Product Name/Version: Astroneer Dedicated Server, installed via AMP console
AMP Release “Callisto”
v2.5.1, built 06/07/2024 22:13

Problem Description:

When server is running and ports are listening, Astroneer server menu is able to see that 0/8 players are on the server. indicating that the server is online, and detected by my machine. However when joining the server, it loads for a while then it says Failed to Join Host.

Steps to reproduce:

Stateless Source IP Protocol Source Port Range Destination Port Range Type and Code Allows Description
No UDP All 7777 UDP traffic for ports: 7777 Allow Astroneer Server PC
No TCP All 2224 TCP traffic for ports: 2224 Allow Astroneer SFTP Port
No TCP All 1234 TCP traffic for ports: 1234 Allow Console Port
No TCP All 7777 TCP traffic for ports: 7777 Astroneer game server
Stateless Source IP Protocol Source Port Range Destination Port Range Type and Code Allows Description
No TCP All 22 TCP traffic for ports: 22 SSH Remote Login Protocol
No ICMP 3, 4 ICMP traffic for: 3, 4 Destination Unreachable: Fragmentation Needed and Don’t Fragment was Set
No ICMP 3 ICMP traffic for: 3 Destination Unreachable
No UDP All 88 UDP traffic for ports: 88 Allow Astroneer Game Server PC
No TCP All 8080 TCP traffic for ports: 8080 Allow AMP Web Interface
No TCP All 443 TCP traffic for ports: 443 HTTPS Allow HTTPS Access
No TCP All 80 TCP traffic for ports: 80 Allow HTTP
No UDP All 500 UDP traffic for ports: 500 Allow Astroneer Game Server PC
No UDP All 3074 UDP traffic for ports: 3074 Allow Astroneer Game Server PC
No UDP All 3544 UDP traffic for ports: 3544 Allow Astroneer Game Server PC
No UDP All 4500 UDP traffic for ports: 4500 Allow Astroneer Game Server PC
No UDP All 8777 UDP traffic for ports: 8777 Allow Astroneer Game Server PC
No TCP All 3074 TCP traffic for ports: 3074 Allow Astroneer Game Server PC
No TCP All 8777 TCP traffic for ports: 8777 Allow Astroneer Game Server PC
No TCP All 8777 TCP traffic for ports: 8777 Allow Astroneer Server Steam
No TCP All 27015 TCP traffic for ports: 27015 Allow Astroneer Server Steam
No TCP All 27036 TCP traffic for ports: 27036 Allow Astroneer Server Steam
No UDP All 8777 UDP traffic for ports: 8777 Allow Astroneer Sever Steam
No UDP All 27015 UDP traffic for ports: 27015 Allow Astroneer Sever Steam
No UDP All 27031-27036 UDP traffic for ports: 27031-27036 Allow Astroneer Sever Steam
  • set up domain name for HTTPS connection for AMP

  • installed AMP application onto ubuntu. also installed Docker

Actions taken to resolve so far:

root@astroneer-is-here:~# su -l amp
  CubeCoders AMP  💻amp@astroneer-is-here  📁~  ampinstmgr ports
[Info/1] AMP Instance Manager v2.5.1 built 06/07/2024 22:14
[Info/1] Stream: Mainline / Release - built by CUBECODERS/buildbot on CCL-DEV
Please enter value for Instance Name

[Info/1] Port usage for arisuastro01 (arisu astro)
[Info/1] Instance is currently running.
[Info/1] LISTENING      8081    TCP     (Core.Webserver.Port)
[Info/1] LISTENING      2224    TCP     (FileManagerPlugin.SFTP.SFTPPortNumber)
[Info/1] LISTENING      7777    UDP     (GenericModule.App.Ports.$ApplicationPort1)
[Info/1] LISTENING      1234    TCP     (GenericModule.App.Ports.$RemoteAdminPort)
  • checked to see if fire walls are correct

using ampinstmgr dumpfirewall

ubuntu@astroneer-is-here:~$ sudo su -
root@astroneer-is-here:~# ampinstmgr dumpfirewall
[Info/1] AMP Instance Manager v2.5.1 built 06/07/2024 22:14
[Info/1] Stream: Mainline / Release - built by CUBECODERS/buildbot on CCL-DEV
[Info/1] Using iptables firewall.
[Info/1] TCP/2223 (AMP:ADS01:FileManagerPlugin.SFTP.SFTPPortNumber)
[Info/1] UDP/12820 (AMP:ADS01:ADSModule.Network.MetricsServerPort)
[Info/1] TCP/2224 (AMP:arisuastro01:FileManagerPlugin.SFTP.SFTPPortNumber)
[Info/1] UDP/7777 (AMP:arisuastro01:GenericModule.App.Ports.$ApplicationPort1)
[Info/1] TCP/1234 (AMP:arisuastro01:GenericModule.App.Ports.$RemoteAdminPort)


root@astroneer-is-here:~# iptables -L INPUT --line-numbers
Chain INPUT (policy DROP)
num  target     prot opt source               destination
1    ACCEPT     all  --  anywhere             anywhere             state RELATED,ESTABLISHED
2    ACCEPT     icmp --  anywhere             anywhere
3    ACCEPT     all  --  anywhere             anywhere
4    ACCEPT     udp  --  anywhere             anywhere             udp spt:ntp
5    ACCEPT     tcp  --  anywhere             anywhere             state NEW tcp dpt:ssh
6    ACCEPT     tcp  --  anywhere             anywhere             tcp dpt:https /* AMP Reverse Proxy */
7    ACCEPT     tcp  --  anywhere             anywhere             tcp dpt:http /* AMP Reverse Proxy */
8    ACCEPT     tcp  --  anywhere             anywhere             tcp dpt:2223 /* AMP:ADS01:FileManagerPlugin.SFTP.SFTPPortNumber */
9    ACCEPT     udp  --  anywhere             anywhere             udp dpt:12820 /* AMP:ADS01:ADSModule.Network.MetricsServerPort */
10   ACCEPT     tcp  --  anywhere             anywhere             tcp dpt:2224 /* AMP:arisuastro01:FileManagerPlugin.SFTP.SFTPPortNumber */
11   ACCEPT     udp  --  anywhere             anywhere             udp dpt:7777 /* AMP:arisuastro01:GenericModule.App.Ports.$ApplicationPort1 */
12   ACCEPT     tcp  --  anywhere             anywhere             tcp dpt:1234 /* AMP:arisuastro01:GenericModule.App.Ports.$RemoteAdminPort */


  • connection to server port works
norbyscook@AndyDesktop:/mnt/c/Users/nonom$ nc -zvu 7777
Connection to 7777 port [udp/*] succeeded!
norbyscook@AndyDesktop:/mnt/c/Users/nonom$ nc -zvu 1234
Connection to 1234 port [udp/*] succeeded!
norbyscook@AndyDesktop:/mnt/c/Users/nonom$ nc -zv 1234
Connection to 1234 port [tcp/*] succeeded!
  • while trying to join server

  • attempted to log iptables

sudo iptables -I INPUT 1 -p udp --dport 7777 -j LOG --log-prefix "ASTRONEER_UDP: " --log-level 4
sudo iptables -I INPUT 1 -p tcp --dport 1234 -j LOG --log-prefix "ASTRONEER_TCP: " --log-level 4

and the result:

root@astroneer-is-here:~# sudo grep "ASTRONEER_TCP:" /var/log/kern.log
Jul 19 05:42:05 astroneer-is-here kernel: [  681.749519] ASTRONEER_TCP: IN=ens3 OUT= MAC=02:00:17:01:d5:34:00:00:17:3a:4d:ff:08:00 SRC= DST= LEN=60 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=53 ID=28247 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=52158 DPT=1234 WINDOW=64240 RES=0x00 SYN URGP=0
Jul 19 05:42:05 astroneer-is-here kernel: [  682.048979] ASTRONEER_TCP: IN=ens3 OUT= MAC=02:00:17:01:d5:34:00:00:17:3a:4d:ff:08:00 SRC= DST= LEN=52 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=53 ID=28250 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=52158 DPT=1234 WINDOW=502 RES=0x00 ACK FIN URGP=0
Jul 19 05:42:06 astroneer-is-here kernel: [  682.113161] ASTRONEER_TCP: IN=ens3 OUT= MAC=02:00:17:01:d5:34:00:00:17:3a:4d:ff:08:00 SRC= DST= LEN=52 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=53 ID=0 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=52158 DPT=1234 WINDOW=502 RES=0x00 ACK URGP=0

root@astroneer-is-here:~# sudo grep "ASTRONEER_UDP:" /var/log/kern.log
Jul 19 06:23:38 astroneer-is-here kernel: [ 1236.483350] ASTRONEER_UDP: IN=ens3 OUT= MAC=02:00:17:01:d5:34:00:00:17:3a:4d:ff:08:00 SRC= DST= LEN=53 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=118 ID=11040 PROTO=UDP SPT=49561 DPT=7777 LEN=33
Jul 19 06:23:38 astroneer-is-here kernel: [ 1236.844536] ASTRONEER_UDP: IN=ens3 OUT= MAC=02:00:17:01:d5:34:00:00:17:3a:4d:ff:08:00 SRC= DST= LEN=53 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=118 ID=11041 PROTO=UDP SPT=49561 DPT=7777 LEN=33
Jul 19 06:23:39 astroneer-is-here kernel: [ 1237.852357] ASTRONEER_UDP: IN=ens3 OUT= MAC=02:00:17:01:d5:34:00:00:17:3a:4d:ff:08:00 SRC= DST= LEN=53 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=118 ID=11042 PROTO=UDP SPT=49561 DPT=7777 LEN=33
Jul 19 06:23:40 astroneer-is-here kernel: [ 1238.857553] ASTRONEER_UDP: IN=ens3 OUT= MAC=02:00:17:01:d5:34:00:00:17:3a:4d:ff:08:00 SRC= DST= LEN=53 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=118 ID=11043 PROTO=UDP SPT=49561 DPT=7777 LEN=33
Jul 19 06:23:41 astroneer-is-here kernel: [ 1239.861324] ASTRONEER_UDP: IN=ens3 OUT= MAC=02:00:17:01:d5:34:00:00:17:3a:4d:ff:08:00 SRC= DST= LEN=53 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=118 ID=11044 PROTO=UDP SPT=49561 DPT=7777 LEN=33
Jul 19 06:23:42 astroneer-is-here kernel: [ 1240.893567] ASTRONEER_UDP: IN=ens3 OUT= MAC=02:00:17:01:d5:34:00:00:17:3a:4d:ff:08:00 SRC= DST= LEN=53 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=118 ID=11049 PROTO=UDP SPT=49561 DPT=7777 LEN=33
  • also tried tcpdump listening

tcpdump -vv -i ens3 port 7777 -

turned this off cuz chat gpt said:

Verify Network Offloading: Ensure that network interface offloading is not affecting checksum validation by disabling it as mentioned earlier.

sudo ethtool --offload ens3 rx off tx off

tried sudo tcpdump -i ens3 udp port 7777 -vvv again -

based on these tests above, maybe it’s not a network related issue?

docker logs

after running sudo docker logs 416056c483d4

found some error:

Sure, let’s identify the specific lines in the logs related to access permissions and missing configuration files.

Access Permissions Issue

The log entry related to access permissions is:

[18:29:09] [Core Error/10]        : UnauthorizedAccessException
[18:29:09] [Core Error/10]        : [0] (UnauthorizedAccessException) : Access to the path "/AMP/astroneer/.wine/dosdevices/z:/.autoExclude" is denied.
[18:29:09] [Core Error/10]        :   at IO.FileStream..ctor (String path, IO.FileMode mode, IO.FileAccess access, IO.FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, Boolean anonymous, IO.FileOptions options)
  at IO.FileStream..ctor (String path, IO.FileMode mode, IO.FileAccess access, IO.FileShare share, Int32 bufferSize, IO.FileOptions options)
  at (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check) IO.FileStream..ctor(string,IO.FileMode,IO.FileAccess,IO.FileShare,int,IO.FileOptions)
  at IO.StreamWriter..ctor (String path, Boolean append, Text.Encoding encoding, Int32 bufferSize)
  at IO.StreamWriter..ctor (String path)
  at (wrapper remoting-invoke-with-check) IO.StreamWriter..ctor(string)
  at IO.File.WriteAllLines (String path, Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[T] contents)
  at GenericModule.GenericApp.SetupSmartBackupExclusions (IO.DirectoryInfo Parent, Int32 MaxDepth)

Missing Configuration Files

The log entries related to missing configuration files are:

[18:29:09] [Generic Warning/10]   : Tried to merge config file ./astroneer/728470/Astro/Saved/Config/WindowsServer/AstroServerSettings.ini but the file does not exist.
[18:29:09] [Generic Warning/10]   : Tried to merge config file ./astroneer/728470/Astro/Saved/Config/WindowsServer/GameUserSettings.ini but the file does not exist.
[18:29:09] [Generic Warning/10]   : Tried to merge config file ./astroneer/728470/Astro/Saved/Config/WindowsServer/Engine.ini but the file does not exist.
[18:29:10] [Generic Warning/19]   : Tried to merge config file ./astroneer/728470/Astro/Saved/Config/WindowsServer/AstroServerSettings.ini but the file does not exist.
[18:29:10] [Generic Warning/19]   : Tried to merge config file ./astroneer/728470/Astro/Saved/Config/WindowsServer/GameUserSettings.ini but the file does not exist.
[18:29:10] [Generic Warning/19]   : Tried to merge config file ./astroneer/728470/Astro/Saved/Config/WindowsServer/Engine.ini but the file does not exist.

Steps to Address These Issues

Steps to Find the Directory

Locate AMP Installation Directory:** Let’s try to locate the AMP directory by searching for directories related to AMP or astroneer:

sudo find / -type d -name 'dosdevices' 2>/dev/null
root@instance-20240719-0838:/home/amp# sudo find / -type d -name 'dosdevices' 2>/dev/null

Change Ownership

Let’s change the ownership of this directory and its contents to the amp user and group:

sudo chown -R amp:amp /home/amp/.ampdata/instances/arisuastro01/astroneer/.wine/dosdevices
ls -l /home/amp/.ampdata/instances/arisuastro01/astroneer/.wine/dosdevices

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