Issues installing Valheim server

Note - If you do not fill in every section below, your post won’t be answered - you must provide the steps you have followed so far and the actions you’ve already taken. Make sure to remove this notice from your post too.

OS Name/Version:Ubuntu 22.04 LTS

Product Name/Version: Halimede v2.4.0.10

Problem Description: Valheim Server fresh install both Valheim and Valheim Plus fail to install some thing about mono installation issues.

If you're sharing console output, logs, or commands you have run, please make sure to use code tags 
(3x backticks for blocks, 1x backtick for a single line) to help make posts readable. This also
provides syntax highlighting.

Steps to reproduce:

  • Step 1: Click on Create New server then Select Valheim or Valheim plus
  • Step 2 Next launch into the game Managment panel for either Valheim or Valheim plus server that was created.
  • Step 3 Click update and watch the errors arise after you click start.

Actions taken to resolve so far: Actions taken so far are listed in a forum posted on udot.

Because at the time I thought it might have been related to the issue after googling…

[Message:   BepInEx] BepInEx - valheim_server (12/5/2022 1:46:22 AM)
[Info   :   BepInEx] Running under Unity vUnknown (post-2017)
[Info   :   BepInEx] CLR runtime version: 4.0.30319.42000
[Info   :   BepInEx] Supports SRE: True
[Info   :   BepInEx] System platform: Bits64, Linux
[Message:   BepInEx] Preloader started
[Info   :   BepInEx] Loaded 1 patcher method from [BepInEx.Preloader]
[Info   :   BepInEx] 1 patcher plugin loaded
[Info   :   BepInEx] Patching [UnityEngine.CoreModule] with [BepInEx.Chainloader]
[Message:   BepInEx] Preloader finished
[Info   :   BepInEx] Detected Unity version: v2020.3.33f1
[Message:   BepInEx] Chainloader ready
[Message:   BepInEx] Chainloader started
[Info   :   BepInEx] 1 plugins to load
[Info   :   BepInEx] Loading [Valheim Plus]
[Info   :Valheim Plus] Trying to load the configuration file
[Info   : Unity Log] Loading config section AdvancedBuildingMode
[Info   : Unity Log]  Section not enabled
[Info   : Unity Log] Loading config section AdvancedEditingMode
[Info   : Unity Log]  Section not enabled
[Info   : Unity Log] Loading config section Bed
[Info   : Unity Log]  Section not enabled
[Info   : Unity Log] Loading config section Beehive
[Info   : Unity Log]  Section not enabled
[Info   : Unity Log] Loading config section Building
[Info   : Unity Log]  Section not enabled
[Info   : Unity Log] Loading config section Deconstruct
[Info   : Unity Log]  Section not enabled
[Info   : Unity Log] Loading config section Inventory
[Info   : Unity Log]  Section not enabled
[Info   : Unity Log] Loading config section Items
[Info   : Unity Log]  Section not enabled
[Info   : Unity Log] Loading config section Fermenter
[Info   : Unity Log]  Section not enabled
[Info   : Unity Log] Loading config section FireSource
[Info   : Unity Log]  Section not enabled
[Info   : Unity Log] Loading config section Food
[Info   : Unity Log]  Section not enabled
[Info   : Unity Log] Loading config section Smelter
[Info   : Unity Log]  Section not enabled
[Info   : Unity Log] Loading config section Furnace
[Info   : Unity Log]  Section not enabled
[Info   : Unity Log] Loading config section Hotkeys
[Info   : Unity Log]  Section not enabled
[Info   : Unity Log] Loading config section Kiln
[Info   : Unity Log]  Section not enabled
[Info   : Unity Log] Loading config section Windmill
[Info   : Unity Log]  Section not enabled
[Info   : Unity Log] Loading config section SpinningWheel
[Info   : Unity Log]  Section not enabled
[Info   : Unity Log] Loading config section Map
[Info   : Unity Log]  Section not enabled
[Info   : Unity Log] Loading config section Player
[Info   : Unity Log]  Section not enabled
[Info   : Unity Log] Loading config section Server
[Info   : Unity Log]  Loading key maxPlayers
[Info   : Unity Log]  Loading key disableServerPassword
[Info   : Unity Log]  Loading key enforceMod
[Info   : Unity Log]  Loading key serverSyncsConfig
[Info   : Unity Log]  Loading key serverSyncHotkeys
[Info   : Unity Log] Loading config section Stamina
[Info   : Unity Log]  Section not enabled
[Info   : Unity Log] Loading config section StaminaUsage
[Info   : Unity Log]  Section not enabled
[Info   : Unity Log] Loading config section Workbench
[Info   : Unity Log]  Section not enabled
[Info   : Unity Log] Loading config section Time
[Info   : Unity Log]  Section not enabled
[Info   : Unity Log] Loading config section Ward
[Info   : Unity Log]  Section not enabled
[Info   : Unity Log] Loading config section StructuralIntegrity
[Info   : Unity Log]  Section not enabled
[Info   : Unity Log] Loading config section Tameable
[Info   : Unity Log]  Section not enabled
[Info   : Unity Log] Loading config section Hud
[Info   : Unity Log]  Section not enabled
[Info   : Unity Log] Loading config section Experience
[Info   : Unity Log]  Section not enabled
[Info   : Unity Log] Loading config section Camera
[Info   : Unity Log]  Section not enabled
[Info   : Unity Log] Loading config section Game
[Info   : Unity Log]  Section not enabled
[Info   : Unity Log] Loading config section Wagon
[Info   : Unity Log]  Section not enabled
[Info   : Unity Log] Loading config section Gathering
[Info   : Unity Log]  Section not enabled
[Info   : Unity Log] Loading config section Pickable
[Info   : Unity Log]  Section not enabled
[Info   : Unity Log] Loading config section Durability
[Info   : Unity Log]  Section not enabled
[Info   : Unity Log] Loading config section Armor
[Info   : Unity Log]  Section not enabled
[Info   : Unity Log] Loading config section FreePlacementRotation
[Info   : Unity Log]  Section not enabled
[Info   : Unity Log] Loading config section Shields
[Info   : Unity Log]  Section not enabled
[Info   : Unity Log] Loading config section FirstPerson
[Info   : Unity Log]  Section not enabled
[Info   : Unity Log] Loading config section GridAlignment
[Info   : Unity Log]  Section not enabled
[Info   : Unity Log] Loading config section CraftFromChest
[Info   : Unity Log]  Section not enabled
[Info   : Unity Log] Loading config section ValheimPlus
[Info   : Unity Log]  Loading key mainMenuLogo
[Info   : Unity Log]  Loading key serverBrowserAdvertisement
[Info   : Unity Log] Loading config section PlayerProjectile
[Info   : Unity Log]  Section not enabled
[Info   : Unity Log] Loading config section MonsterProjectile
[Info   : Unity Log]  Section not enabled
[Info   : Unity Log] Loading config section GameClock
[Info   : Unity Log]  Section not enabled
[Info   : Unity Log] Loading config section Brightness
[Info   : Unity Log]  Section not enabled
[Info   : Unity Log] Loading config section Chat
[Info   : Unity Log]  Section not enabled
[Info   :Valheim Plus] Configuration file loaded succesfully.
[Info   :Valheim Plus] ValheimPlus [] is up to date.
[Message:   BepInEx] Chainloader startup complete
[Info   : Unity Log] 12/05/2022 01:48:11: Starting to load scene:start

[Warning: Unity Log] HDR Render Texture not supported, disabling HDR on reflection probe.
[Warning: Unity Log] HDR Render Texture not supported, disabling HDR on reflection probe.
[Warning: Unity Log] Only custom filters can be played. Please add a custom filter or an audioclip to the audiosource (Amb_MainMenu).
[Warning: Unity Log] HDR Render Texture not supported, disabling HDR on reflection probe.
[Info   : Unity Log] 12/05/2022 01:48:14: Setting -savedir to: Data

[Info   : Unity Log] 12/05/2022 01:48:14: Get create world PoweredByAMP

[Info   : Unity Log] 12/05/2022 01:48:14: Loaded localization CSV:localization language:English

[Info   : Unity Log] 12/05/2022 01:48:14: Loaded localization CSV:localization_extra language:English

[Error  : Unity Log] 12/05/2022 01:48:14: Error bad password:The password is too short

[Warning: Unity Log] 12/05/2022 01:48:14: Missing audio clip in music respawn

[Warning: Unity Log] 12/05/2022 01:48:14: Fetching PlatformPrefs 'GuiScale' before loading defaults

[Warning: Unity Log] 12/05/2022 01:48:14: Fetching PlatformPrefs 'DOF' before loading defaults

[Warning: Unity Log] 12/05/2022 01:48:14: Fetching PlatformPrefs 'Bloom' before loading defaults

[Warning: Unity Log] 12/05/2022 01:48:14: Fetching PlatformPrefs 'SSAO' before loading defaults

[Warning: Unity Log] 12/05/2022 01:48:14: Fetching PlatformPrefs 'SunShafts' before loading defaults

[Warning: Unity Log] 12/05/2022 01:48:14: Fetching PlatformPrefs 'AntiAliasing' before loading defaults

[Warning: Unity Log] 12/05/2022 01:48:14: Fetching PlatformPrefs 'ChromaticAberration' before loading defaults

[Warning: Unity Log] 12/05/2022 01:48:14: Fetching PlatformPrefs 'MotionBlur' before loading defaults

[Error  : Unity Log] 12/05/2022 01:48:14: The WorldGenerator instance was null

[Error  : Unity Log] NullReferenceException: The WorldGenerator instance was null
Stack trace:
Heightmap.Generate () (at <4f8751a48f2c4d07a3b5b89efc723ee4>:0)
Heightmap.Regenerate () (at <4f8751a48f2c4d07a3b5b89efc723ee4>:0)
Heightmap.OnEnable () (at <4f8751a48f2c4d07a3b5b89efc723ee4>:0)

[Error  : Unity Log] 12/05/2022 01:48:14: The WorldGenerator instance was null

[Error  : Unity Log] NullReferenceException: The WorldGenerator instance was null
Stack trace:
Heightmap.Generate () (at <4f8751a48f2c4d07a3b5b89efc723ee4>:0)
Heightmap.Regenerate () (at <4f8751a48f2c4d07a3b5b89efc723ee4>:0)
Heightmap.OnEnable () (at <4f8751a48f2c4d07a3b5b89efc723ee4>:0)

[Error  : Unity Log] 12/05/2022 01:48:14: The WorldGenerator instance was null

[Error  : Unity Log] NullReferenceException: The WorldGenerator instance was null
Stack trace:
Heightmap.Generate () (at <4f8751a48f2c4d07a3b5b89efc723ee4>:0)
Heightmap.Regenerate () (at <4f8751a48f2c4d07a3b5b89efc723ee4>:0)
Heightmap.OnEnable () (at <4f8751a48f2c4d07a3b5b89efc723ee4>:0)

[Error  : Unity Log] 12/05/2022 01:48:14: The WorldGenerator instance was null

[Error  : Unity Log] NullReferenceException: The WorldGenerator instance was null
Stack trace:
Heightmap.Generate () (at <4f8751a48f2c4d07a3b5b89efc723ee4>:0)
Heightmap.Regenerate () (at <4f8751a48f2c4d07a3b5b89efc723ee4>:0)
Heightmap.OnEnable () (at <4f8751a48f2c4d07a3b5b89efc723ee4>:0)

[Error  : Unity Log] 12/05/2022 01:48:14: The WorldGenerator instance was null

[Error  : Unity Log] NullReferenceException: The WorldGenerator instance was null
Stack trace:
Heightmap.Generate () (at <4f8751a48f2c4d07a3b5b89efc723ee4>:0)
Heightmap.Regenerate () (at <4f8751a48f2c4d07a3b5b89efc723ee4>:0)
Heightmap.OnEnable () (at <4f8751a48f2c4d07a3b5b89efc723ee4>:0)

[Error  : Unity Log] 12/05/2022 01:48:14: The WorldGenerator instance was null

[Error  : Unity Log] NullReferenceException: The WorldGenerator instance was null
Stack trace:
Heightmap.Generate () (at <4f8751a48f2c4d07a3b5b89efc723ee4>:0)
Heightmap.Regenerate () (at <4f8751a48f2c4d07a3b5b89efc723ee4>:0)
Heightmap.OnEnable () (at <4f8751a48f2c4d07a3b5b89efc723ee4>:0)

[Error  : Unity Log] 12/05/2022 01:48:14: The WorldGenerator instance was null

[Error  : Unity Log] NullReferenceException: The WorldGenerator instance was null
Stack trace:
Heightmap.Generate () (at <4f8751a48f2c4d07a3b5b89efc723ee4>:0)
Heightmap.Regenerate () (at <4f8751a48f2c4d07a3b5b89efc723ee4>:0)
Heightmap.OnEnable () (at <4f8751a48f2c4d07a3b5b89efc723ee4>:0)

[Error  : Unity Log] 12/05/2022 01:48:14: The WorldGenerator instance was null

[Error  : Unity Log] NullReferenceException: The WorldGenerator instance was null
Stack trace:
Heightmap.Generate () (at <4f8751a48f2c4d07a3b5b89efc723ee4>:0)
Heightmap.Regenerate () (at <4f8751a48f2c4d07a3b5b89efc723ee4>:0)
Heightmap.OnEnable () (at <4f8751a48f2c4d07a3b5b89efc723ee4>:0)

[Error  : Unity Log] 12/05/2022 01:48:14: The WorldGenerator instance was null

[Error  : Unity Log] NullReferenceException: The WorldGenerator instance was null
Stack trace:
Heightmap.Generate () (at <4f8751a48f2c4d07a3b5b89efc723ee4>:0)
Heightmap.Regenerate () (at <4f8751a48f2c4d07a3b5b89efc723ee4>:0)
Heightmap.OnEnable () (at <4f8751a48f2c4d07a3b5b89efc723ee4>:0)

[Info   : Unity Log] The shader Hidden/Dof/DepthOfFieldHdr (UnityEngine.Shader) on effect Main Camera (UnityStandardAssets.ImageEffects.DepthOfField) is not supported on this platform!
[Warning: Unity Log] The image effect Main Camera (UnityStandardAssets.ImageEffects.DepthOfField) has been disabled as it's not supported on the current platform.
[Info   : Unity Log] The shader Hidden/SunShaftsComposite (UnityEngine.Shader) on effect Main Camera (UnityStandardAssets.ImageEffects.SunShafts) is not supported on this platform!
[Info   : Unity Log] The shader Hidden/SimpleClear (UnityEngine.Shader) on effect Main Camera (UnityStandardAssets.ImageEffects.SunShafts) is not supported on this platform!
[Warning: Unity Log] The image effect Main Camera (UnityStandardAssets.ImageEffects.SunShafts) has been disabled as it's not supported on the current platform.
[Info   : Unity Log] 12/05/2022 01:48:14: UI Group status changed Menu = True

Is this a vanilla instance or did you change some settings? I just tested both instances types and did not get the results you did. Perhaps try creating them in a docker container as you might have some outside issue causing it.

I will note it says in your log that the password is too short.

So I refuse to use docker unless I absolutely have to but it makes me wonder if some thing isn’t installed right from amp initially… I wonder if there is a way to reinstall amp pre requisites with out messing up all the connected appliances in Ubuntu 22.04lts

Is there any reason why you don’t want to use Docker? It handles all the prerequisites for you.

Well first off I suck at learning new things… Next I am not as educated as to how docker handles networking and the various port forwarding etc.

You sound like you’re over thinking it. With AMP you set it up the first time using the steps at the link below, then it “just works”. You don’t need Docker experience or anything like that. If you want to create instances outside Docker, you just unchecked a box in AMP.

Well if only it worked that way I wouldn’t be here in the forums trying to figure out what is wrong or why the server won’t start correctly.

I don’t understand that response. You have to follow the guide I sent to get the benefits of Docker. AMP can only install so much for you without bogging down your system. That’s where Docker comes into play. The images used there have been presetup with the prerequisites for each game server.

Set it up and try running the server again. If it fails, ask further questions and we can help.

Let me ask you this is amp that big of a hog that it bounds down an 8 core 16 thread ryzen 7 17000 with 64 gigs of ram? I will delete the current installation of Valheim and try a docker however I am sure we will get to the same issue of having compiled problems on the server software side… Specifically in relation to the dot net errors as listed in my code text shared.

It’s not a matter of overloading the system. This resolves the software having issues with dependencies, which it seems you might be facing. If the game server is just buggy, there’s no way for AMP to solve that.

Well here is your answer looks like amp may have not installed in self correctly.

What have you done so far?

Well so far installed Amp following these directions as listed on CubeCoders Limited Ran there command for Ubuntu as root user then su-amp re running the same command everything installed set things up as accordingly to my Target environment since its a multi server installation. Created a rust game server but the 3rd party Umod didn’t install correctly then installed Valheim server and it wouldn’t allow it to even start as shown in my logs posted above.

I more so was referring to right now. You didn’t try the steps for Docker setup I linked? You must run the setup command as root to get AMP to install it.

1 Like

Yeah I just found your docker post and was wondering if java installation is similar?

Indeed it is. You can add installJava to the end of the getamp script to have it add that as well. OR if you use these docker containers then games like Minecraft will already have some Java versions available.

Just one the Valheim server not starting there are 2 errors in there that stand out to me.

[Error  : Unity Log] 12/05/2022 01:48:14: Error bad password:The password is too short
[Error  : Unity Log] NullReferenceException: The WorldGenerator instance was null

The first I’m guessing you tried to disable the password with Valheim + and it didn’t work as the second error is generally due to the password not meeting the specified length.

So just make sure if you are disabling the password then disableServerPassord = true or if you are not then make sure you have a password of 5 characters long.

Yupp, that was something I mentioned in the first response as well.

Oh sorry I missed that when reading it all.