Connectivity Problem with V Rising - Can not connect to Vrising server locally or outside network

System Information

Field Value
Operating System Linux - Debian GNU/Linux 12 on x86_64
Product AMP ‘Callisto’ v2.5.1.6 (Mainline)
Virtualization Docker
Application V Rising
Module GenericModule
Running in Container Yes
Current State Ready

Problem Description


I just installed AMP on an ubuntu server VM from TrueNAS Scale and I have been trying to make a V-Rising server for myself and some friends but I have not been able to connect local.

I assume I have to do more like maybe port forward something but I am brand new to all this so I am not sure and I do not want to mess anything up.

The server seems to be up and running fine but I am unable to join. When I click join i get the error “Unable to connect to server, app id specified by server is invalid”

I am sure other information is needed so please let me know.

Thank you

Reproduction Steps

  • 1: Fresh basic install of AMP
  • 2: Create V-Rising instance
  • 3: Update instance
  • 4: Start Server and try to join

@CubeCoders-Bot could you give this one a go please. Check if they’re home hosting, if so go over their local firewall rules and double check their port forwarding.

Alrighty, let’s break down the problem and get you connected to that V Rising server!

Let’s Start with Some Basics:

  1. Home Hosting Check: Are you hosting this server from your home network? If so, you’ll need to set up both local firewall rules and port forwarding on your router.
  2. Port Forwarding: V Rising typically needs ports 9876 (UDP) and 9877 (UDP) for game traffic. Have you done this step yet?
  3. Firewall Rules: Make sure your firewall allows traffic on the above-mentioned ports.

Next Steps:

Port Forwarding

  1. Access your router settings: This usually involves typing something like into your web browser.
  2. Find the port forwarding section: This varies by router but is often under ‘Advanced’ or ‘NAT’ settings.
  3. Forward ports 9876 and 9877: Both should be set to UDP.

Firewall Rules on your Server (Linux)

  1. Check your firewall status: Run sudo ufw status to see if a firewall is active.
  2. Allow the necessary ports:
    sudo ufw allow 9876/udp
    sudo ufw allow 9877/udp

After you confirm these settings, let’s see if you’re able to connect. Let me know how it goes or if you need more detailed steps on any part! :rocket:

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@CubeCoders-Bot AMP manages the firewall. So check ampinstmgr ports and ampinstmgr dumpfirewall rathern than using ufw directly.

Alright, thanks Mike for the heads up! Let’s keep it within the AMP environment.

Check the Ports and Firewall

Step 1: List Ports

Run the following command to see the ports currently in use:

ampinstmgr ports

Step 2: Dump Firewall Rules

Next, check what AMP thinks the firewall rules are with:

ampinstmgr dumpfirewall

Let me know what you get from these commands, or if there’s any trouble running them. Let’s conquer this one step at a time! :rocket:

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Thank you for answering I was able to figure out how to join locally now I am trying to figure out how my friends can join from an outside network. I have port forwarded the two ports 9876 and 9877 but I am not sure if anyone can join yet cause I have not tested it yet all my friends are at work right now lol :slight_smile:

This is what I get when I run ampinstmgr ports and ampinstmgr dumpfirewall:

This is for ampinstmgr ports

[Info/1] Port usage for V-RisingSoloServer01 (V-RisingSoloServer)
[Info/1] Instance is currently running.
[Info/1] LISTENING 8081 TCP (Core.Webserver.Port)
[Info/1] LISTENING 2224 TCP (FileManagerPlugin.SFTP.SFTPPortNumber)
[Info/1] LISTENING 9876 UDP (Gener icModule.App.Ports.$ApplicationPort1)
[Info/1] LISTENING 9877 UDP (Gener icModule.App.Ports. $ApplicationPort2)
[Info/1] LISTENING 25575 TCP (Gener icModule.App.Ports.$RemoteAdminPort)

This is for ampinstmgr dumpfirewall:

  • CubeCodens AMP * tamp@ubuntu-game-serven
    tampinstmgr dumpfirewall
    AMP Instance Manager v2.5.1.6 built 16/08/2024 03:11
    Stream: Mainline / Release
  • built by CUBECODERS/buildbot on CCL-DEV
    ERROR: You need to be root to run this script
    LInfo/11 Using UFW firewall.
    ERROR: You need to be root to run this script
    [Info/1] No firewall rules to display.
    You need to be root to run this script

Alright, so you’ve got the local connectivity figured out—nice work! :tada: Now, onto letting your friends join the fun:

Port Forwarding and Testing

Since you’ve already forwarded ports 9876 and 9877, here’s the checklist to make sure everything’s ready for your friends:

  1. Ensure Ports are Correctly Forwarded: Double-check your router’s settings to make sure port forwarding rules are correct and active.

  2. Firewall Rules via AMP: Since AMP manages the firewall, you’ll need to run the ampinstmgr dumpfirewall as root, which isn’t done by default. So switch to root before you run the command:

    sudo su -l     # switches to root
    ampinstmgr dumpfirewall
  3. Sharing your IP:

    • Share your external IP address with your friends. You can find your external IP by searching “what’s my IP” in any search engine.

Once the ports are forwarded and the firewall rules checked, ask your friends to try connecting using your external IP address. Since they’re working, you could use an online tool to check if the port is open externally.

Let me know if you need further assistance or run into any hiccups. Let’s get your friends into the game :space_invader::globe_with_meridians:!

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I was also wondering If I download tailscale on to the ubuntu server which is running AMP how would that affect my connection to the servers?

I already use tailscale to connect to my TrueNAS server and was wondering how I would connect to AMP servers remotely?

Using Tailscale on your Ubuntu server running AMP can be pretty handy for secure, remote access! Here’s how it might affect your setup and what you can expect:

Effects on Connection

  1. Secure Access: Tailscale creates a secure VPN-like mesh network, allowing you and your pals to connect to the server without exposing it to the public internet.

  2. Seamless Access: With Tailscale, you can access your AMP server using its private Tailscale IP. This can simplify connections and improve security by not needing to open ports to the internet.

  3. Local-Like Performance: It usually feels like you’re still connected locally, ensuring good performance unless your internet is having a bad day.

Remote Connection to AMP

  • Tailscale IP: Once installed, you’ll get a Tailscale-assigned IP for the server. Use this IP to connect to your AMP interface from anywhere.

  • Direct Connection: Since you’re already connected to a Tailscale network, accessing AMP should be as simple as accessing a local IP in a browser.

  • Firewall/Ports: With Tailscale, you generally don’t bother with port forwarding and firewall rules on the public internet side—everything is handled over the Tailscale network.


  1. Install Tailscale: Get it onto your Ubuntu server if you haven’t already.
  2. Log in and Authorize: Log into Tailscale using the same credentials you used for other devices on your network.
  3. Use Tailscale IP: Once connected, use the server’s Tailscale IP to access AMP.

With Tailscale, you’ll benefit from easy access management and improved security. Let me know how it goes or if you need more tips on setting it up! :rocket:

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This Command is not working for me to get to root
sudo su -l

it is saying that I need to log out of ‘amp’ user to use sudo

how do I log out of amp user?

Ah, the ol’ “I’m stuck as the specific user” trick. :sweat_smile: Here’s how to get back to your main user:

  1. Exit the AMP user session:

    • Simply type exit in the terminal to log out of the amp user.
  2. Return to Main User:

    • This will take you back to your main user with superuser privileges.
  3. Run Commands as Root:

    • From here, you can use sudo to run commands as the root user. For example:
      sudo su -l
    • After doing this, go ahead with checking the AMP-managed firewall using ampinstmgr dumpfirewall.

Let me know if you hit any other snags or if that helped you gain root access! :star2:

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This is what I get when I run ampinstmgr dumpfirewall:

ampinstmgr dumpfirewall
AMP Instance Manager v2.5.1.6 built 16/08/2024 03:11
Stream: Mainline / Release - built by CUBECODERS/buildbot on CCL-DEV
iptables firewall.
TCP/2223 (AMP:ADS01:F1leManagerPlugin.SFTP.SFTPPortNumber)
UDP/12820 LAMP:ADS01:ADSModule.Network.MetricsServerPort)
TCP/2224 (AMP:V-RisingSoloServer01:FileManagerPlugin.SFTP.SFTPPortNumber)
UDP/9876 (AMP:V-RisingSoloServer01:GenericModule.App.Ports.$ApplicationPort1)
UDP/9877 (AMP:V-RisingSoloServer01:GenericModule.App.Ports.$ApplicationPort2)
TCP/25575 (AMP:V-RisingSoloServer01:GenericModule.App.Ports.$RemoteAdminPort)

Great! Your firewall rules look spot-on. You’ve got the necessary ports open for your V Rising server (9876 and 9877 for UDP), so you should be all set for your friends to join.

Final Steps:

  1. Testing Connection: Once your friends are available, have them try connecting using your external IP along with the game port.

  2. Using Tailscale (Optional): If you go for Tailscale, they’d use your Tailscale IP instead, which can be more secure and eliminate the need for port forwarding.

Everything appears to be in order from the system/firewall side. If your friends encounter issues connecting, it might be related to how their connection to your server is getting routed, or might require some tweaking on their end. But from what we see here, your part seems ready to roll! :video_game::sparkles:

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How does the tailscale option work? Do I just download it and use the tailscale ip address or the .net ?

Tailscale is a neat tool for setting up a private, secure network. Think of it like a VPN that doesn’t require all the setup headaches. Here’s how you get it up and running:

Setting Up Tailscale

  1. Install Tailscale on your Server:

    • Download and install Tailscale on your Ubuntu server running AMP:
      curl -fsSL | sh
  2. Log In to Tailscale:

    • After installing, run:
      sudo tailscale up
    • This will prompt you to log into your Tailscale account through a web browser.
  3. Deploy Tailscale on Other Devices:

    • Have your friends install Tailscale on their devices (PCs, laptops).
    • Once they’re logged in to the same Tailscale network, they’ll see your server and be able to connect.

Connecting via Tailscale

  • Tailscale IP: Use the Tailscale-assigned IP for your server. It looks like a typical IP address and is used to connect directly as if all devices are on the same local network.

  • .net Domain: Tailscale also assigns a human-readable domain (like You can use this for ease instead of the numerical IP, and it’ll point to the same place.

Accessing the Game Server

  • Your friends will connect to your game server using the Tailscale IP/domain. No more fussing with public IPs or port forwarding over the open internet.

Once configured, Tailscale typically just works in the background, giving you a hassle-free, secure connection to your networked resources. Let me know if you run into any hiccups, but this should make remote play a breeze! :tada::link:

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when using tailscale my friends do not need to have tailscale downloaded right? They just need the tailscale ip address given to server correct?

Actually, for Tailscale, your friends will need to have Tailscale installed on their devices too. It’s not just about knowing the IP address; Tailscale creates a secure mesh network that requires each device to be part of the same Tailscale network. Here’s a quick rundown:

What Your Friends Need to Do:

  1. Install Tailscale: They need to download and install Tailscale on their computers or devices where they’ll be playing.

  2. Log In to Your Tailscale Network: They’ll log into Tailscale using an account that’s part of the same Tailscale network as you, which allows their device to connect securely.

  3. Connect via Tailscale IP: Once connected, they can use your server’s Tailscale IP or domain to access the server.

Tailscale makes it feel like everyone’s on the same local network, adding security and convenience. So, have them hop on board with Tailscale, and you should be good to go! :rocket:

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