Connectivity Problem with Astroneer - Astroneer Cannot connect | Console showing no logs

System Information

Field Value
Operating System Windows - Windows 11 Pro on x86_64
Product AMP ‘Decadeus’ v2.4.6.8 (Mainline)
Virtualization VMware
Application Astroneer
Module GenericModule
Running in Container No
Current State Ready

Problem Description


When creating a server the server shows that is it online 0/8 however when joining it fails to connect. Tried Windows Server 2022, Windows 11 install

Also i noticed this in the output outputing to dir …\Astroneer/logs
not sure why the / is there it should be \ no logs are outputting to that dir.

Had multiple friends try to join aswell, Ports are open and verified remotely.


Redirecting stderr to ‘C:\AMPDatastore\Instances\Astroneer01\astroneer\logs\stderr.txt’

Logging directory: ‘C:\AMPDatastore\Instances\Astroneer01\astroneer/logs’

Reproduction Steps

  • Windows 11
  • Create Instance Astroneer
  • Try to join

Show your port forward rule?

Im using Opensense, I have multiple services running and ports open, i switched to a DMZ for the host however still fails.

So that’s your DMZ version of the rule?

Do you have an associated firewall rule created on WAN? You’ve cut off that setting in your PF rule screenshot

Okay, I updated windows and looks like I can at least connect , Console is still broken showing no logs.

Astroneer doesn’t have console output or input

Interesting, if that’s the case that’s fine then. However , if I physically look at the amp logs I do see amp logs which state that I’m connecting , why would those not be in the console portion ? I see the steam update outputting to the console.

Lastly, in my OP note the pathing error, I don’t see any files in that folder and confused why one path looks valid and the other looks like a mix of windows die syntax and Linux pathing

On the last bit, that’s just steamcmd stuff, and if there is nothing to log it won’t. The path is just down to whether the path in AMP was written as platform specific or generically (in which case forward slashes are used, which works fine on Windows).

What logs re connecting are you referring to?

Second pass, this might be from actually connecting and viewing the instance. Thanks for your help !

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