Changing backup location not working for docker game instance

So I’ve read and re-configured my main and game instances as set out in this guide How to change backup locations

This works fine for the main AMP instance, but somehow I can not get it to work for the game instances setup within it. I’ve followed the same procedure, the files show the correct directories as the main instance does, but somehow when running a backup it just shows it’s starting and never does anything.

This is the primary AMP instance, setup, backing up and working


This is how the game instance path is set up for docker. And LocalFileBackup configured as above too.


But inside the docker container itself it doesnt appear to map /media/backups, is this the problem?

AdditionalVirtualDirectories doesn’t escape the docker container. That’s a different thing unrelated to docker and mounted directories entirely.

Right now there isn’t a way to do this via the UI, you’d have to manually edit the Instances.json with AMP fully shut-down and edit the CustomMountBinds attribute for the instance, which as it happens takes the same syntax as you tried using for AdditionalVirtualDirectories

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Aha thanks Mike, working perfectly now.

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