Backups don't work?

Scheduled Backups Don’t Work?!

Recently, I had a lot of issues regarding backups…

Bungeecord Instance Issues

When Using Bungeecord Instances, after taking a backup the server won’t start even tho its Scheduled to do so, here’s the workflow:

I have no idea why it won’t start the server… after the backup is complete

FiveM Instance Issues

On Fivem Instsness the backup doesn’t work simply…
Here’s the workflow:

It does trigger it, but it won’t actually take a backup

System Infomation

AMP: AMP Release “Halimede” v2.4.0.10, built 27/10/2022 18:15
Operating System: Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS

I have seen similar with the scheduler. I usually break out the steps into individual triggers one minute apart.

Regarding FiveM, does it give an error when you try to run the backup manually?

Yes, FiveM backups don’t work, no matter how hard you try…
I want them to work, but they won’t

I have seen a similar one with the scheduler. I usually break out the steps into individual triggers one minute apart.

I will try doing the same, but its a bug… we need to report it so AMP can improve™

Is the code public for the template?
it might be an issue with some directories being unable to backup