Application Deployment - Why do I have so many license activations?

System Information

Field Value
Operating System Linux - Fedora Linux 41 on x86_64
Product AMP ‘Phobos’ v2.6.0.6 (Mainline)
Virtualization VMware
Application Application Deployment
Module ADSModule
Running in Container No
Current State Indeterminate


License Activiations?

Problem Description


So, I’ve been having nothing but issues, trying to get AMP up and running and working correctly. It’s been super frustrating, and have had to just reinstall the OS several times and reinstall AMP each time, because AMP gets to a point that it no longer functions and I don’t want to sit and wait for slow support. Well, now that I’ve looked at my account, I see 10 of 50 activations have been used from the same IP. So, you’re saying that I get 50 chances to try and get AMP working and then I’m screwed? No, no, no. I need the activations to be reset to 1. I’m not trying to activate this on multiple machines and have some server farm running. All these attempts have been to try and get Ark Ascended clusters working, which has been nothing but a nightmare.

Reproduction Steps

  • Log into cubecoders account
  • Go to Licenses
  • Look at current activations
  • Scratch my head. WFT?

The licence manager is on a delay to prevent abuse, and will sort itself out over time. As long as your current (real) usage is within your licence’s limit, you’re fine. Activations aren’t “burned”.
(also, support being slow is just how it is sometimes, as the majority of support is community driven)

Guide to clustering ASA servers here:

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