Ampinstmgr upgrade ADS Upgrade failed

OS Name/Version:Windows 10 Pro

Product Name/Version: AMP Release “Decadeus”
v2.4.5.4, built 01/07/2023 16:10

Problem Description:ampinstmgr upgrade ADS Upgrade failed

Steps to reproduce:

Actions taken to resolve so far:I don’t have a disk drive :H. Don’t know what to do

Go to CubeCoders and download the windows installer cause you need to update core amp first and also follow this post Something not working on Windows? Try the following: and then run

ampinstmgr upgradeall --nocache

to update all your instances.

Other instances are updated successfully, but only ADS update fails.

Installing using the program will create a new ADS on another physical drive, but will not update an existing ADS. Two ADS programs will exist simultaneously.

Right click on your datastores and click on repair datastore

Is there any picture description?
The disk drive shows no abnormalities and needs to be repaired

First thing, it looks like you’re running as Administrator, don’t do that as that will break AMP.

Second, Go into your datastore directory where the ADS01 instance really is and open the instances.json. Inside you should find locations to where the instances are. Change the one for ADS01 to point to the right location then restart.

I can’t find instances.json
There is only one InstallUtil.InstallLog

It’s in the instances directory one level up

I found the file and modified it

But after updating localhost refused connection

help me

I’m not sure what you’re doing there, it seems like you’re trying to run the AMP.exe directly? Don’t do that if so.

Follow the guide above now about “Something not working on Windows?” and it should get you in order. Though I suspect you may have other issues.

I uninstalled AMPSetup.msi
Delete ADS01 folder
Delete instances.json
Computer restarts
Newly installed AMPSetup.msi
Restore instances.json
Now it can be started, but the settings have disappeared. How can I restore the settings of each instance, such as permissions and schedules?
I have a backup of the old ADS01 folder, but I don’t know how to extract the data.

What?! Why did you do that? Nobody here directed you to delete ADS. You’re doing risky things that will break your installation. Restore the json files from within the ADS directory and restart the OS. And stop doing things you aren’t directed to do or the support request is useless.

The old ADS folder is restored, but the console cannot be opened.

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