Zip exception when updating

OS Name/Version: Windows 10 pro

Product Name/Version: (Always use the full version number - not ‘Latest’)

Problem Description:
When attempting to make a new instance I get “The core archive failed to download or unpack” With the following log from the console.

[0] (ZipException) : Could not read C:\AMPDatastore\Instances\ as a zip file
at Ionic.Zip.ZipFile..ctor(String fileName) at InstanceManagerPlugin.LocalInstanceManager.<UnpackArchive>() at InstanceManagerPlugin.LocalInstanceManager.<DownloadAndUnpack>()
[1] (ZipException) : Cannot read that as a ZipFile
at Ionic.Zip.ZipFile.ReadIntoInstance(ZipFile zf) at Ionic.Zip.ZipFile._InitInstance(String zipFileName, TextWriter statusMessageWriter) at Ionic.Zip.ZipFile..ctor(String fileName)
[2] (BadReadException) : Bad signature (0x4F44213C) at position 0x00000000
at Ionic.Zip.ZipEntry.ReadHeader(ZipEntry ze, Encoding defaultEncoding) at Ionic.Zip.ZipEntry.ReadEntry(ZipContainer zc, Boolean first) at Ionic.Zip.ZipFile.ReadIntoInstance_Orig(ZipFile zf) at Ionic.Zip.ZipFile.ReadIntoInstance(ZipFile zf)
Create Instance Failed: The core archive failed to download or unpack

Steps to reproduce:

  • Step 1
    Start AMP
  • Step 2
    Attempt to create new instance from GUI

Actions taken to resolve so far:
I’ve attempted to update AMP to the latest version through the command line using both Ampinstmgr Upgrade ADS01 and Ampinstmgr --nocache Upgrade ADS01 which both end in

C:\WINDOWS\system32>ampinstmgr --nocache upgrade ADS01
[Info] AMP Instance Manager v2.4.3 built 15/03/2023 09:46
[Info] Release spec: ReleaseNoUpload - built by CUBECODERS/buildbot on CCL-DEV
[Info] Stopping Instance: 'ADS01'
[Info] Stopping instance ADS01...
[Info] Waiting for instance to stop...
[Info] Instance ADS01 has stopped.
[Info] Upgrading instance ADS01
[Info] Skipping cache and downloading fresh copy...
[Info] Downloading AMP from

[Info] Complete
[Error] Failed to unpack AMP.
[Error] ZipException
[Error] [0] (ZipException) : Could not read C:\AMPDatastore\Instances\ as a zip file
[Error]    at Ionic.Zip.ZipFile..ctor(String fileName)
   at InstanceManagerPlugin.LocalInstanceManager.<UnpackArchive>()
   at InstanceManagerPlugin.LocalInstanceManager.<DownloadAndUnpack>()
[Error] ZipException
[Error] [1] (ZipException) : Cannot read that as a ZipFile
[Error]    at Ionic.Zip.ZipFile.ReadIntoInstance(ZipFile zf)
   at Ionic.Zip.ZipFile._InitInstance(String zipFileName, TextWriter statusMessageWriter)
   at Ionic.Zip.ZipFile..ctor(String fileName)
[Error] BadReadException
[Error] [2] (BadReadException) :   Bad signature (0x4F44213C) at position  0x00000000
[Error]    at Ionic.Zip.ZipEntry.ReadHeader(ZipEntry ze, Encoding defaultEncoding)
   at Ionic.Zip.ZipEntry.ReadEntry(ZipContainer zc, Boolean first)
   at Ionic.Zip.ZipFile.ReadIntoInstance_Orig(ZipFile zf)
   at Ionic.Zip.ZipFile.ReadIntoInstance(ZipFile zf)
[Info] Upgrade failed

I verified that C:\AMPDatastore\Instances has the following zip files

AMP is running as admin and cmd is run as admin.

Unsure what to do next.

so you are out of date. you need to go to CubeCoders and download the windows 10/11 .msi to update to and then run cmd ampinstmgr upgradeall

Thanks, that was the missing piece. I knew I was out of date but was unaware the update process. The windows .msi followed by an upgrade to my instances did the trick.

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