Windows instances won't launch through panel - UseShellExecute error

OS Name/Version: Windows Server 2022 21H2

Product Name/Version: version 2.5 - 20240314.2

Problem Description:
After update to 2.5 I cannot start instances running on windows target through the panel.

I’ve had to run the instances manually with the .bat scripts for it to run at all. As described here:

Following is the error I get trying to launch them in the web panel.

An unknown failure occured trying to start this instance. Check its logs for further 
information. Exception message: The Process object must have the UseShellExecute 
property set to false in order to use environment variables.

Steps to reproduce:

  • Try to start instance through amp panel

Actions taken to resolve so far:
Updated the application.
stopped all instances and reinstalled amp on the target machine
tried installing a new fresh game instance, but that also fails to start.

It’s worth noting that I have 2 targets. One linux and one windows.
The one running linux works fine. Instances run as they should

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