Windows Firewall fails to be updated

OS Name/Version: Windows Server 2022 Standard

Product Name/Version: AMP v2.4.0.10, built 27/10/2022 18:15

Problem Description:

AMP target fails to add rules to Windows firewall when a new game instance is created on the target. Interestingly the MSI installer does add the initial rules to the firewall.

The AMP service is running as network service user.

Running the following commands as AMP in an unelevated console fails to work. In an elevated (administrator) console they do.

ampinstmgr -dumpfirewall

ampinstmgr -updatefirewall

In an elevated console the dumpfirewall command does have a list of the rules that should be added but don’t seem to be visible on the firewall gui itself in Windows. After calling updatefirewall they are visible.

Steps to reproduce:

1: Install AMP as target on Windows Server under the new user AMP

2: Add the user AMP to administrators and network configuration operators group. Combinations of these groups have been tried too, such as just network configuration operators etc.

3: Install a game instance from the hybrid controller on the target (hybrid is Debian 11).

Actions taken to resolve so far:

1: Log hunting for any possible problems.

2: Considered a scheduled task calling the commands in an elevated cmd window every couple of mins but this seems like a bit of a dirty workaround.

Check the Windows Scheduler, is there an AMP Firewall task under the CubeCoders category?

Nothing under the scheduler that I can see.

You can run the following in an admin command prompt to manually add it:

schtasks.exe /create /f /sd 01/01/2022 /sc minute /mo 5 /tn "CubeCoders\AMP Firewall Sync" /tr "ampinstmgr.exe updatefirewall" /ru SYSTEM /rl HIGHEST

You may need to replace ampinstmgr.exe with a full path to the executable.

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Thank you for the speedy help! Will update thread when I can verify all is well. Don’t have 24 hour access to the box.