Where are Java JDK/JRE versions stored for Minecraft server? (Linux/Debian)

Hi, can someone please point me to the directory AMP looks in for various Java versions for hosting a server?

I’m trying to set up a server for a modpack which requires the GraalVM JDK, but I haven’t been able to find the right directory to install the new JDK to. Have checked for /usr/lib/jvm/ but that directory doesn’t exist.


If you have docker enabled, you’ll need to disable docker in order to use JVMs that are installed on the system.
AMP looks in the default install location for the different Java runtimes

Thank you! Disabled Docker for that instance, created /usr/lib/jvm/, dropped the GraalVM JDK in there, and after restarting the instance AMP successfully found the new Java version. :smiley: