Vintage story Update 1.18.8 issues

OS Name/Version: Windows server 2022

Product Name/Version: (Always use the full version number - not ‘Latest’)
Vintage story server 1.18.8

Problem Description:

When trying to update or create new instance with the latest version it will error out with 404 and throw a few hundred errors a minute endlessly if you don’t kill the instance.

This is not a problem when setting version back down to 1.18.7 ect


Steps to reproduce:

create new Vintage story instance, set version in server settings to 1.18.8 and try to start/update
error will throw instance into endless 404.

on a side note i did see an Exe appear in the server directory but never complete

Actions taken to resolve so far:

set game version back to 1.18.7 and it works fine.

They have split out the downloads between Windows and Linux for 1.18.8. Pain. Will have to look at how this can be accommodated in the template

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And 1.18.8 requires .NET 7 runtime now

It’s gonna need a separate template for 1.18.8+

No Sweat, game client is back-words compatible with older versions. just wanted to bring up the issue.

Thanks for all the help and attention.

All good, useful to know. Should have it all updated shortly

did a resolution to this ever get created?

Yes. The template has been split into two. The old template - called Legacy - is for anything less than 1.18.8. A new template has been created for 1.18.8+. You will need to transfer across any save data from an existing instance if needed.

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