Valheim Plus Not Installed With Server Update

I created a new instance of the Valheim module and everything appears to working as expected now. I’ve had the old module running on an off since the original release of Valheim, so I’m going to chalk this up to some breaking change along the way. I was able to simply move my save over to the new instance, so I am going to consider this resolved.

Ubuntu 20.04.4 LTS:

AMP Release “Halimede” v2.4.1.2

Problem Description:

Valheim Plus is not installed when updating the server after toggling the configuration option. The server update appears successful, and it continues to start successfully. However, it appears to be starting the vanilla version of the game, which results in a version conflict when trying to connect with a Valheim Plus client. The client suggests the server should be running version 0.212.9@, however the server states that it is running plain old 0.212.9. Do I need to clear some sort of cache to trigger this install?

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Toggle “Install Valheim Plus”

  2. Update Server

WARNING: setlocale('en_US.UTF-8') failed, using locale: 'C'. International characters may not work.
Redirecting stderr to '/home/amp/Steam/logs/stderr.txt'
[ 0%] Checking for available updates...
[----] Verifying installation...
Steam Console Client (c) Valve Corporation - version 1669935972
-- type 'quit' to exit --
Loading Steam API...OK
force_install_dir 896660
Connecting anonymously to Steam Public...OK
Waiting for client config...OK
Waiting for user info...OK
app_update 896660 validate
Update state (0x5) verifying install, progress: 1.41 (20971852 / 1484473906)
Update state (0x5) verifying install, progress: 74.35 (1103719057 / 1484473906)
Success! App '896660' fully installed.
  1. Run Server
Valheim version:0.212.9

Actions taken to resolve so far:

  • Restart OS
  • Upgrade AMP and instances
  • Upgrade Instance with --no-cache
  • Delete steam caches and re-run server update

Install Git and try updating again:

Thanks for the quick reply @IceOfWraith, I already have git installed and available the amp user.

$ ampinstmgr VERSION
[Info] AMP Instance Manager v2.3.2.12 built 05/05/2022 18:14
[Info] Release spec: Release - built by CUBECODERS/buildbot on CCL-DEV
$ git --version
git version 2.25.1

Is it possible to update a server from the terminal similar to an instance upgrade?

$ ampinstmgr UpgradeInstance ValheimServer --debug
[Info] AMP Instance Manager v2.3.2.12 built 05/05/2022 18:14
[Info] Release spec: Release - built by CUBECODERS/buildbot on CCL-DEV
[Debug] Syncing certificate store using /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt
[Debug] Current certificate store contains 123 items, system store contains 121
[Debug] Sync process completed.
[Debug] Loading instances from /home/amp/.ampdata/instances.json...
[Debug] Loaded 5 instances.
[Debug] Starting process /usr/bin/readlink
[Debug] Working Directory:
[Debug] Arguments: -s -f -n "/home/amp/.ampdata/instances/ValheimServer"
[Debug] Started process with ID 14458
[Info] Stopping Instance: 'ValheimServer'
[Info] Stopping instance ValheimServer...
[Info] Requesting soft-stop...
[Debug] Running command line: "kill -SIGUSR1 9293" from "/home/amp/.ampdata/instances/ValheimServer"
[Info] Waiting for instance to stop...
[Debug] Starting process /usr/bin/readlink
[Debug] Working Directory:
[Debug] Arguments: -s -f -n "/home/amp/.ampdata/instances/ValheimServer"
[Debug] Started process with ID 14474
[Debug] Starting process /usr/bin/readlink
[Debug] Working Directory:
[Debug] Arguments: -s -f -n "/home/amp/.ampdata/instances/ValheimServer"
[Debug] Started process with ID 14475
[Info] Instance was shut down gracefully.
[Info] Instance ValheimServer has stopped.
[Info] Upgrading instance ValheimServer
[Debug] Starting process /usr/bin/readlink
[Debug] Working Directory:
[Debug] Arguments: -s -f -n "/home/amp/.ampdata/instances/ValheimServer"
[Debug] Started process with ID 14476
[Debug] User: amp
[Debug] Home Dir: /home/amp
[Info] Using cached archive: /home/amp/.ampdata/instances/
[Debug] Running command line: "unzip -qq -o "/home/amp/.ampdata/instances/"" from "/home/amp/.ampdata/instances/ValheimServer"
[Debug] Saving instances to /home/amp/.ampdata/instances.json...
[Debug] Wrote 5 instances.
[Info] Upgrade successful
[Debug] Starting process /usr/bin/readlink
[Debug] Working Directory:
[Debug] Arguments: -s -f -n "/home/amp/.ampdata/instances/ValheimServer"
[Debug] Started process with ID 14479
[Debug] Fetching metadata for GenericModule from /opt/cubecoders/amp/shared/Plugins/GenericModule/GenericModule.dll...
[Debug] Fetching metadata for FileManagerPlugin from /opt/cubecoders/amp/shared/Plugins/FileManagerPlugin/FileManagerPlugin.dll...
[Debug] Fetching metadata for EmailSenderPlugin from /opt/cubecoders/amp/shared/Plugins/EmailSenderPlugin/EmailSenderPlugin.dll...
[Debug] Fetching metadata for WebRequestPlugin from /opt/cubecoders/amp/shared/Plugins/WebRequestPlugin/WebRequestPlugin.dll...
[Debug] Fetching metadata for LocalFileBackupPlugin from /opt/cubecoders/amp/shared/Plugins/LocalFileBackupPlugin/LocalFileBackupPlugin.dll...
[Debug] Fetching metadata for CommonCorePlugin from /opt/cubecoders/amp/shared/Plugins/CommonCorePlugin/CommonCorePlugin.dll...
[Debug] Running /usr/bin/tmux -f /dev/null new-session -s "AMP_ValheimServer" -d "cd '/home/amp/.ampdata/instances/ValheimServer'; /home/amp/.ampdata/instances/ValheimServer/AMP_Linux_x86_64 +Core.Webserver.Port "8085" +Core.Webserver.IPBinding "" +FileManagerPlugin.SFTP.SFTPPortNumber "2228" +GenericModule.App.ApplicationPort1 "2456" +GenericModule.App.ApplicationPort2 "2457" +GenericModule.App.ApplicationPort3 "2458""
[Debug] Starting process /usr/bin/tmux
[Debug] Working Directory: /home/amp/.ampdata/instances/ValheimServer
[Debug] Arguments: -f /dev/null new-session -s "AMP_ValheimServer" -d "cd '/home/amp/.ampdata/instances/ValheimServer'; /home/amp/.ampdata/instances/ValheimServer/AMP_Linux_x86_64 +Core.Webserver.Port "8085" +Core.Webserver.IPBinding "" +FileManagerPlugin.SFTP.SFTPPortNumber "2228" +GenericModule.App.ApplicationPort1 "2456" +GenericModule.App.ApplicationPort2 "2457" +GenericModule.App.ApplicationPort3 "2458""
[Debug] Started process with ID 14480
[Info] Waiting for AMP instance to start...
[Debug] Starting process /usr/bin/readlink
[Debug] Working Directory:
[Debug] Arguments: -s -f -n "/home/amp/.ampdata/instances/ValheimServer"
[Debug] Started process with ID 14481
[Debug] Starting process /usr/bin/readlink
[Debug] Working Directory:
[Debug] Arguments: -s -f -n "/home/amp/.ampdata/instances/ValheimServer"
[Debug] Started process with ID 14496
[Notice] AMP instance ValheimServer is now running.