Valheim crossplaying not working

OS Name/Version:

Product Name/Version:
|Platform |Ubuntu 22.04.4|
|System Type |x86_64|
|CPU Model |Common KVM processor|
|CPU Layout |1S/8C/8T|
|Installed RAM |7840|
|Virtualization |QEMU_KVM|
|Module |ADSModule|
|Module Application |Application Deployment|
|Loaded Plugins |FileManagerPlugin, EmailSenderPlugin, WebRequestPlugin, LocalFileBackupPlugin, CommonCorePlugin|
|Application Name |AMP|
|Application Version ||
|Codename |Callisto|
|Tools Version |2.5|
|Release Stream |Mainline|
|Build Spec |Release|
|Build Date |22/03/2024 17:32|

Problem Description:
As soon as I activate crossplay on Valheim, its not possible to connect to the Valheim server.
“apt install libpulse-dev libatomic1 libc6” was done, still not working.
If disabling crossplay, its working on pc, but not on Xbox :frowning:

Last log from console:
PlayFab reconnect server ‘Valheim Server’
Server ‘ValHeim Server’ begin PlayFab create and join network for server
Connections 0 ZDOS:17880 sent:0 recv:0
PlayFab reconnect server ‘ValHeim Server’
Server ‘ValHeim Server’ begin PlayFab create and join network for server

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