Using a PowerShell script to run MC Server?

OS Name/Version: Windows 10 Pro 64 Bit

Product Name/Version: AMP Instance Manger “Halimede”

Problem Description: I am trying to run a Better MC Fabric Server and cannot figure out to use the Powershell Script included with the server download. The README in the server download says to specifically not use the .jar file to run the server.

# Start script generated by ServerPackCreator 3.15.0-beta.6.
# Depending on which modloader is set, different checks are run to ensure the server will start accordingly.
# If the modloader checks and setup are passed, Minecraft and EULA checks are run.
# If everything is in order, the server is started.

if ( (New-Object Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal([Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent())).IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole]::Administrator))
    Write-Host "Warning! Running with administrator-privileges is not recommended."

Set-Location "$PSScriptRoot"

$MinecraftVersion = "1.19.2"
$ModLoader = "Fabric"
$ModLoaderVersion = "0.14.10"
$JavaArgs = "-Xmx12G"
$Java = "java"
$LegacyFabricInstallerVersion = "0.11.1"
$FabricInstallerVersion = "0.11.1"
$QuiltInstallerVersion = "0.5.0"
$MinecraftServerUrl = ""

# Variables with do_not_manually_edit are set automatically during script execution,
# so manually editing them will have no effect, as they will be overridden.
$MinecraftServerJarLocation = "do_not_manually_edit"
$LauncherJarLocation = "do_not_manually_edit"
$ServerRunCommand = "do_not_manually_edit"

Function DeleteFileSilently
    param ($FileToDelete)

    $ErrorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue";
    if ((Get-Item "${FileToDelete}").PSIsContainer)
        Remove-Item "${FileToDelete}" -Recurse
        Remove-Item "${FileToDelete}"
    $ErrorActionPreference = "Continue";

Function PauseScript
    Write-Host "Press any key to continue" -ForegroundColor Yellow
    $host.ui.RawUI.ReadKey("NoEcho,IncludeKeyDown") > $null

Function Crash
    Write-Host "Exiting..."
    exit 1

Function global:RunJavaCommand
    param ($CommandToRun)

    CMD /C "`"${Java}`" ${CommandToRun}"

Function global:CheckJavaBitness
    $Bit = CMD /C "`"${Java}`" -version 2>&1"
    if ( ( ${Bit} | Select-String "32-Bit" ).Length -gt 0)
        Write-Host "WARNING! 32-Bit Java detected! It is highly recommended to use a 64-Bit version of Java!"

# $1 = Filename to check for
# $2 = Filename to save download as
# $3 = URL to download $2 from
# true if the File was successfully downloaded, false if it already exists
Function DownloadIfNotExists
    param ($FileToCheck, $FileToDownload, $DownloadURL)

    if (!(Test-Path -Path $FileToCheck -PathType Leaf))

        Write-Host "${FileToCheck} could not be found."
        Write-Host "Downloading ${FileToDownload}"
        Write-Host "from ${DownloadURL}"

        Invoke-WebRequest -URI "${DownloadURL}" -OutFile "${FileToDownload}"

        if (Test-Path -Path "${FileToDownload}" -PathType Leaf)
            Write-Host "Download complete."
            return $true

        Write-Host "${FileToCheck} present."
        return $false


# If modloader = Forge, run Forge-specific checks
Function global:SetupForge
    "Running Forge checks and setup..."
    $ForgeInstallerUrl = "${MinecraftVersion}-${ModLoaderVersion}/forge-${MinecraftVersion}-${ModLoaderVersion}-installer.jar"
    $ForgeJarLocation = "do_not_manually_edit"
    $MINOR = ${MinecraftVersion}.Split(".")

    if ($MINOR[1] -le 16)
        $ForgeJarLocation = "forge.jar"
        $script:LauncherJarLocation = "forge.jar"
        $script:MinecraftServerJarLocation = "minecraft_server.${MinecraftVersion}.jar"
        $script:ServerRunCommand = "-Dlog4j2.formatMsgNoLookups=true ${JavaArgs} -jar ${LauncherJarLocation} nogui"
        $ForgeJarLocation = "libraries/net/minecraftforge/forge/${MinecraftVersion}-${ModLoaderVersion}/forge-${MinecraftVersion}-${ModLoaderVersion}-server.jar"
        $script:MinecraftServerJarLocation = "libraries/net/minecraft/server/${MinecraftVersion}/server-${MinecraftVersion}.jar"
        $script:ServerRunCommand = "-Dlog4j2.formatMsgNoLookups=true @user_jvm_args.txt @libraries/net/minecraftforge/forge/${MinecraftVersion}-${ModLoaderVersion}/win_args.txt nogui"

        if (!(Test-Path -Path 'user_jvm_args.txt' -PathType Leaf))
            "# Xmx and Xms set the maximum and minimum RAM usage, respectively.`n" +
                    "# They can take any number, followed by an M or a G.`n" +
                    "# M means Megabyte, G means Gigabyte.`n" +
                    "# For example, to set the maximum to 3GB: -Xmx3G`n" +
                    "# To set the minimum to 2.5GB: -Xms2500M`n" +
                    "# A good default for a modded server is 4GB.`n" +
                    "# Uncomment the next line to set it.`n" +
                    "# -Xmx4G`n" +
                    "${script:JavaArgs}" | Out-File user_jvm_args.txt -encoding utf8
            "user_jvm_args.txt present..."

    if ((DownloadIfNotExists "${ForgeJarLocation}" "forge-installer.jar" "${ForgeInstallerUrl}"))
        "Forge Installer downloaded. Installing..."
        RunJavaCommand "-jar forge-installer.jar --installServer"

        if ($MINOR[1] -gt 16)
            DeleteFileSilently  'run.bat'
            DeleteFileSilently  ''
            "Renaming forge-${MinecraftVersion}-${ModLoaderVersion}.jar to forge.jar"
            Move-Item "forge-${MinecraftVersion}-${ModLoaderVersion}.jar" 'forge.jar'

        if ((Test-Path -Path "${ForgeJarLocation}" -PathType Leaf))
            DeleteFileSilently  'forge-installer.jar'
            DeleteFileSilently  'forge-installer.jar.log'
            "Installation complete. forge-installer.jar deleted."
            DeleteFileSilently  'forge-installer.jar'
            "Something went wrong during the server installation. Please try again in a couple of minutes and check your internet connection."

# If modloader = Fabric, run Fabric-specific checks
Function global:SetupFabric
    "Running Fabric checks and setup..."
    $FabricInstallerUrl = "${FabricInstallerVersion}/fabric-installer-${FabricInstallerVersion}.jar"
    $ImprovedFabricLauncherUrl = "${MinecraftVersion}/${ModLoaderVersion}/${FabricInstallerVersion}/server/jar"

    $ErrorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue";
    $script:ImprovedFabricLauncherAvailable = [int][System.Net.WebRequest]::Create("${ImprovedFabricLauncherUrl}").GetResponse().StatusCode
    $ErrorActionPreference = "Continue";

    if ("${ImprovedFabricLauncherAvailable}" -eq "200")
        "Improved Fabric Server Launcher available..."
        "The improved launcher will be used to run this Fabric server."
        $script:LauncherJarLocation = "fabric-server-launcher.jar"
        (DownloadIfNotExists "${script:LauncherJarLocation}" "${script:LauncherJarLocation}" "${ImprovedFabricLauncherUrl}") > $null
            $ErrorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue";
            $FabricAvailable = [int][System.Net.WebRequest]::Create("${MinecraftVersion}/${ModLoaderVersion}/server/json").GetResponse().StatusCode
            $ErrorActionPreference = "Continue";
            $FabricAvailable = "400"
        if ("${FabricAvailable}" -ne "200")
            "Fabric is not available for Minecraft ${MinecraftVersion}, Fabric ${ModLoaderVersion}."

        if ((DownloadIfNotExists "fabric-server-launch.jar" "fabric-installer.jar" "${FabricInstallerUrl}"))
            "Installer downloaded..."
            $script:LauncherJarLocation = "fabric-server-launch.jar"
            $script:MinecraftServerJarLocation = "server.jar"
            RunJavaCommand "-jar fabric-installer.jar server -mcversion ${MinecraftVersion} -loader ${ModLoaderVersion} -downloadMinecraft"

            if ((Test-Path -Path 'fabric-server-launch.jar' -PathType Leaf))
                DeleteFileSilently '.fabric-installer' -Recurse
                DeleteFileSilently 'fabric-installer.jar'
                "Installation complete. fabric-installer.jar deleted."
                DeleteFileSilently  'fabric-installer.jar'
                "fabric-server-launch.jar not found. Maybe the Fabric servers are having trouble."
                "Please try again in a couple of minutes and check your internet connection."
            "fabric-server-launch.jar present. Moving on..."
            $script:LauncherJarLocation = "fabric-server-launcher.jar"
            $script:MinecraftServerJarLocation = "server.jar"
    $script:ServerRunCommand = "-Dlog4j2.formatMsgNoLookups=true ${script:JavaArgs} -jar ${script:LauncherJarLocation} nogui"

# If modloader = Quilt, run Quilt-specific checks
Function global:SetupQuilt
    "Running Quilt checks and setup..."

    $QuiltInstallerUrl = "${QuiltInstallerVersion}/quilt-installer-${QuiltInstallerVersion}.jar"

    if ((ConvertFrom-JSON (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "${MinecraftVersion}")).Length -eq 0)
        "Quilt is not available for Minecraft ${MinecraftVersion}, Quilt ${ModLoaderVersion}."
    elseif ((DownloadIfNotExists "quilt-server-launch.jar" "quilt-installer.jar" "${QuiltInstallerUrl}"))
        "Installer downloaded. Installing..."
        RunJavaCommand "-jar quilt-installer.jar install server ${MinecraftVersion} --download-server --install-dir=."

        if ((Test-Path -Path 'quilt-server-launch.jar' -PathType Leaf))
            DeleteFileSilently 'quilt-installer.jar'
            "Installation complete. quilt-installer.jar deleted."
            DeleteFileSilently 'quilt-installer.jar'
            "quilt-server-launch.jar not found. Maybe the Quilt servers are having trouble."
            "Please try again in a couple of minutes and check your internet connection."

        "quilt-server-launch.jar present. Moving on..."
    $script:LauncherJarLocation = "quilt-server-launch.jar"
    $script:MinecraftServerJarLocation = "server.jar"
    $script:ServerRunCommand = "-Dlog4j2.formatMsgNoLookups=true ${JavaArgs} -jar ${LauncherJarLocation} nogui"

# If modloader = LegacyFabric, run LegacyFabric-specific checks
Function global:SetupLegacyFabric
    "Running LegacyFabric checks and setup..."

    $LegacyFabricInstallerUrl = "${LegacyFabricInstallerVersion}/fabric-installer-${LegacyFabricInstallerVersion}.jar"

    if ((ConvertFrom-JSON (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "${MinecraftVersion}")).Length -eq 0)
        "LegacyFabric is not available for Minecraft ${MinecraftVersion}, LegacyFabric ${ModLoaderVersion}."
    elseif ((DownloadIfNotExists "fabric-server-launch.jar" "legacyfabric-installer.jar" "${LegacyFabricInstallerUrl}"))
        "Installer downloaded. Installing..."
        RunJavaCommand "-jar legacyfabric-installer.jar server -mcversion ${MinecraftVersion} -loader ${ModLoaderVersion} -downloadMinecraft"

        if ((Test-Path -Path 'fabric-server-launch.jar' -PathType Leaf))
            DeleteFileSilently 'legacyfabric-installer.jar'
            "Installation complete. legacyfabric-installer.jar deleted."
            DeleteFileSilently 'legacyfabric-installer.jar'
            "fabric-server-launch.jar not found. Maybe the LegacyFabric servers are having trouble."
            "Please try again in a couple of minutes and check your internet connection."

        "fabric-server-launch.jar present. Moving on..."
    $script:LauncherJarLocation = "fabric-server-launch.jar"
    $script:MinecraftServerJarLocation = "server.jar"
    $script:ServerRunCommand = "-Dlog4j2.formatMsgNoLookups=true ${JavaArgs} -jar ${LauncherJarLocation} nogui"

# Check for a minecraft server and download it if necessary
Function global:Minecraft
    if (($ModLoader -eq "Fabric") -and (${ImprovedFabricLauncherAvailable} -eq "200"))
        "Skipping Minecraft Server JAR checks because we are using the improved Fabric Server Launcher."
        (DownloadIfNotExists "${MinecraftServerJarLocation}" "${MinecraftServerJarLocation}" "${MinecraftServerUrl}") > $null

# Check for eula.txt and generate if necessary
Function Eula
    if (!(Test-Path -Path 'eula.txt' -PathType Leaf))
        "Mojang's EULA has not yet been accepted. In order to run a Minecraft server, you must accept Mojang's EULA."
        "Mojang's EULA is available to read at"
        "If you agree to Mojang's EULA then type 'I agree'"
        $Answer = Read-Host -Prompt 'Answer: '

        if (${Answer} -eq "I agree")
            "User agreed to Mojang's EULA."

            "#By changing the setting below to TRUE you are indicating your agreement to our EULA (`n" +
                    "eula=true" | Out-File eula.txt -encoding utf8
            "User did not agree to Mojang's EULA."
            "Entered: ${Answer}"
            "You can not run a Minecraft server unless you agree to Mojang#s EULA."
        "eula.txt present. Moving on..."

if ( ${PSScriptRoot}.Contains(" "))
    "WARNING! The current location of this script contains spaces. This may cause this server to crash!"
    "It is strongly recommended to move this server pack to a location whose path does NOT contain SPACES!"
    "Current path:"

    $WhyMustPowerShellBeThisWayLikeSeriouslyWhatTheFrag = Read-Host -Prompt 'Are you sure you want to continue? (Yes/No): '

    if (${WhyMustPowerShellBeThisWayLikeSeriouslyWhatTheFrag} -eq "Yes")
        "Alrighty. Prepare for unforseen consequences, Mr. Freeman..."

# Main
switch ( ${ModLoader} )
        "Incorrect modloader specified: ${ModLoader}"


"Starting server..."
"Minecraft version: ${MinecraftVersion}"
"Modloader:         ${ModLoader}"
"Modloader version: ${ModLoaderVersion}"
if (!("${LauncherJarLocation}" -eq "do_not_manually_edit"))
    "Launcher JAR:      ${LauncherJarLocation}"
"Java args:         ${JavaArgs}"
"Java path:         ${Java}"
"Run Command:       ${Java} ${ServerRunCommand}"
"Java version:"
RunJavaCommand "-version"

RunJavaCommand "${ServerRunCommand}"

exit 0

If you're sharing console output, logs, or commands you have run, please make sure to use code tags 
(3x backticks for blocks, 1x backtick for a single line) to help make posts readable. This also
provides syntax highlighting.

Steps to reproduce:
Try to run the script using AMP Manager

Actions taken to resolve so far:
-Checked knowledge base.
-Attempted to use the .jar file (against the READMEs instructions)

I believe Fabric was a version in the dropdown. You’d choose that and follow this guide to import Better MC.

Before starting the server make sure to delete extended-armor-bars from the mods folder.
If’s a client-side only mod that causes issues when loaded on the server

I was able to get the server running in AMP by updating Java now. Do you have any thoughts on all of the features I am losing by not using the powershell script to start the server? Do you think there is anything important in there that I am losing?

I didn’t read it that close. What’s a summary of what it does? I can tell you if AMP has the features.

Did a quick scroll through the script. It seems like it just downloads Forge/Fabric/Quilt as requested and starts the server. Nothing special AMP can’t do.

Thank you! Appreciate the quick read. I was thinking the same thing


Griefed here, the dev of the tool used to create the server pack, and thus the script, you are using here.

You’re not missing anything in particular by not using the script(s). The only thing to keep in mind would be to look at the settings in the script and copy those over to AMP. Things like the modloader, modloader version and any start arguments used, such as “-Xmx12G”. Other than that, you won’t miss anything. :slight_smile:



Seems this issue has been resolved. Thank you for the help