Update to Enterprise edition


Product Name/Version: ENTERPRISE

Problem Description:
Hey Guys

I have an Enterprise Version, but I cannot create role templates here.So I don’t see the enterprise edition. I ran the following commands on all instances ampinstmgr reconfigure ADS01 +Core.AMP.RequireActivation True
ampinstmgr reactivate ADS01 yourlicencekeygoeshere.

i use commond su -l amp to login
after i stopp the instance
put after the command ampinstmgr reconfigure ADS01 +Core.AMP.RequireActivation True
ampinstmgr reactivate ADS01 yourlicencekeygoeshere
i start the instace again

do this steps to all other instances.

but nothing change…

Did you clear your browser cache after reactivating the ADS?

hey thank you for answering yes i did. but nothing happend. the command in putty was right ?

The commands are through SSH yeah. When clearing your browser cache make sure you tell the browser to clear cached files.

Yes i did but nothing happend :confused: maybe I should whrite to the enterprise Support ?

Might be a decent bet yeah, you can link your Discord account here:

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