Vintage Story will not update to the latest version 1.18.10 also there is alot of server configuration missing and world generation settings feel this should be done in the server browsers think as Vintage Story is becoming more popular now it needs some TLC
Reproduction Steps
Set server to 1.18.10
Start server so it downloads
Gets stuck in a boot loop of downloading the file and not installing then download again and again but nothing 404 error
The devs changed how the server is installed and run with 1.18.8. This has required a new template in AMP. Fetch Latest under Instance Deployment and you will see it in the list. You will have to create a new instance and transfer any save data across
VS is a community (me) made template. Anyone is welcome to contribute
I’ve also reminded myself that - aside from the sheer number of settings, which is tedious to put it in the template, especially when the documentation on some of them is poor - many of them have default null values, which AMP can’t handle. I have a long-standing request on GH for this to be fixed