Update Failure with Valheim - Not updating

System Information

Field Value
Operating System Windows - Windows 10 Pro on x86_64
Product AMP ‘Decadeus’ v2.4.6.6 (Mainline)
Virtualization None
Application Valheim
Module GenericModule
Running in Container No
Current State Ready

Problem Description


Server is not updating/upgrading. I have stopped the server first, clicked update, the processing bar appears, but no update is done.

Reproduction Steps

  • Stop current server
  • Update
  • Restart Server
  • Try to Join as Client

Let’s check if there are any logs that indicate what the issue could be. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Open a shell or command prompt.
  2. Run ampinstmgr lastlog [INSTANCENAME].

Try to look for errors during the update process in the printouts. Can you share what you find here?

It doesnt even attempt to do the update.

Below is the latest log, I can’t see any errors, but I also cant see any metion of it trying to update.

[17:18:53] [Program Info] : Starting AMP version (Decadeus), built 05/10/2023 11:56
[17:18:53] [Program Info] : Stream: Mainline / Release - built by CUBECODERS/buildbot on CCL-DEV
[17:18:53] [Program Info] : OS: Windows / x86_64
[17:18:53] [Program Info] : CPU: Intel(R) Core™ i7-6850K CPU @ 3.60GHz (6C/12T)
[17:18:53] [Program Info] : RAM: 65446MB
[17:18:53] [Program Info] : AMP Instance ID: 543630b4-e811-48c7-be32-33f0f9835b02
[17:18:54] [Loader Info] : Loaded GenericModule version by CubeCoders Limited
[17:18:54] [Core Info] : Metrics publishing is enabled at udp://localhost:12820.
[17:18:54] [Loader Info] : Loaded FileManagerPlugin by CubeCoders Limited
[17:18:54] [Loader Info] : Loaded EmailSenderPlugin by CubeCoders Limited
[17:18:54] [Loader Info] : Loaded WebRequestPlugin by CubeCoders Limited
[17:18:54] [Loader Info] : Loaded LocalFileBackupPlugin by CubeCoders Limited
[17:18:54] [Loader Info] : Loaded CommonCorePlugin by CubeCoders Limited
[17:18:54] [Loader Info] : GenericModule requests dependency steamcmdplugin…
[17:18:54] [Loader Info] : Loaded steamcmdplugin by CubeCoders Limited
[17:18:54] [Loader Info] : GenericModule requests dependency RCONPlugin…
[17:18:54] [Loader Info] : Loaded RCONPlugin by CubeCoders Limited
[17:18:54] [Core Warning] : Unable to update setting node GenericModule.App.Ports.$ApplicationPort1 - the target type of (List) is not supported.
[17:18:54] [Core Warning] : Unable to update setting node GenericModule.App.Ports.$ApplicationPort2 - the target type of (List) is not supported.
[17:18:54] [Core Info] : Licence Present: AMP Standard Edition
[17:18:54] [FileManager Notice] : Using keypair with fingerprint dxspzcmVUU0HGVkVR+f3Ukp6BSY2wQRk8aeXNypNfis=
[17:18:54] [FileManager Info] : SFTP Server started on
[17:18:54] [Webserver Info] : Websockets are enabled.
[17:18:54] [Webserver Info] : Webserver started on
[17:18:54] [Webserver Info] : RouterTimer@10Hz with 2 jobs started
[17:18:54] [Core Info] : Checking for AMP updates…
[17:18:54] [Core Info] : Startup mode is StartApplication.
[17:18:54] [Core Info] : AMP is up to date.
[17:18:55] [Core Activity] : Authentication attempt for user admin from
[17:18:55] [Generic Warning] : Tried to merge config file ./Valheim/896660/./BepInEx/config/valheim_plus.cfg but the file does not exist.
[17:18:55] [Generic Warning] : Tried to merge config file ./Valheim/896660/./BepInEx/config/valheim_plus.cfg but the file does not exist.
Mono path[0] = ‘E:/AMPDatastore/Instances/ValheimServer0201/Valheim/896660/valheim_server_Data/Managed’
Mono config path = ‘E:/AMPDatastore/Instances/ValheimServer0201/Valheim/896660/MonoBleedingEdge/etc’
Initialize engine version: 2020.3.45f1 (660cd1701bd5)
[Subsystems] Discovering subsystems at path E:/AMPDatastore/Instances/ValheimServer0201/Valheim/896660/valheim_server_Data/UnitySubsystems
Forcing GfxDevice: Null
GfxDevice: creating device client; threaded=0
Version: NULL 1.0 [1.0]
Renderer: Null Device
Vendor: Unity Technologies
Begin MonoManager ReloadAssembly
[17:18:56] [Core Activity] : Authentication success

  • Completed reload, in 2.789 seconds
    Microsoft Media Foundation video decoding to texture disabled: graphics device is Null, only Direct3D 11 and Direct3D 12 (only on desktop) are supported for hardware-accelerated video decoding.
    UnloadTime: 0.573800 ms
    Fetching PlatformPrefs ‘GuiScale’ before loading defaults
    Fetching PlatformPrefs ‘GuiScale’ before loading defaults
    Starting to load scene:start
    Couldn’t create a Convex Mesh from source mesh “default” within the maximum polygons limit (256). The partial hull will be used. Consider simplifying your mesh.
    Couldn’t create a Convex Mesh from source mesh “default” within the maximum polygons limit (256). The partial hull will be used. Consider simplifying your mesh.
    Shader ‘Lux Lit Particles/ Tess Bumped’: fallback shader ‘Lux Lit Particles/ Bumped Smoke’ not found
    Unloading 6 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0)
    UnloadTime: 5.715500 ms
    Only custom filters can be played. Please add a custom filter or an audioclip to the audiosource (Amb_MainMenu).
    HDR Render Texture not supported, disabling HDR on reflection probe.
    Setting -savedir to: Saves
    Get create world Roshar
    Using environment steamid 892970
    Using steam APPID:892970
    Server ID 90071992547409920
    Steam game server initialized
    Using default prefs
    Valheim version: 0.217.22 (network version 15)
    Worldgenerator version setup:2
    Console: Valheim 0.217.22 (network version 15)
    Console: type “help” - for commands
    Render threading mode:SingleThreaded
    Set button “CamZoomIn” to None!
    Set button “CamZoomOut” to None!
    Set button “CamZoomIn” to None!
    Set button “CamZoomOut” to None!
    Missing audio clip in music respawn
    Builder started
    Loaded localization file #0 - ‘localization’ language: ‘English’
    Loaded localization file #1 - ‘localization_extra’ language: ‘English’
    Loaded localization file #2 - ‘heightmap_message’ language: ‘English’
    Loaded localization file #3 - ‘localization_hildir’ language: ‘English’
    Loaded localization file #4 - ‘localization_emotes’ language: ‘English’
    Sending PlayFab login request (attempt 1)
    Login postponed until ID has been set.
    The shader Hidden/Dof/DepthOfFieldHdr (UnityEngine.Shader) on effect Main Camera (UnityStandardAssets.ImageEffects.DepthOfField) is not supported on this platform!
    The image effect Main Camera (UnityStandardAssets.ImageEffects.DepthOfField) has been disabled as it’s not supported on the current platform.
    The shader Hidden/SunShaftsComposite (UnityEngine.Shader) on effect Main Camera (UnityStandardAssets.ImageEffects.SunShafts) is not supported on this platform!
    The shader Hidden/SimpleClear (UnityEngine.Shader) on effect Main Camera (UnityStandardAssets.ImageEffects.SunShafts) is not supported on this platform!
    The image effect Main Camera (UnityStandardAssets.ImageEffects.SunShafts) has been disabled as it’s not supported on the current platform.
    Starting music menu
    Unloading 44 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 154067.
    Total: 162.843400 ms (FindLiveObjects: 5.965200 ms CreateObjectMapping: 18.647900 ms MarkObjects: 137.947500 ms DeleteObjects: 0.282600 ms)
    Unloading 6 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0)
    UnloadTime: 11.766100 ms
    HDR Render Texture not supported, disabling HDR on reflection probe.
    HDR Render Texture not supported, disabling HDR on reflection probe.
    Using default prefs
    Console: Valheim 0.217.22 (network version 15)
    Console: type “help” - for commands
    isModded: False
    Zonesystem Awake 30954
    DungeonDB Awake 30954
    Registering lobby
    PlayFab custom ID set to “PlayFab_Roshar_2456_edf04ee51b0db5446e18449e2ea1a247672d8acc”
    Sending PlayFab login request (attempt 2)
    Worldgenerator version setup:2
    Audioman already exist, destroying self
    Console: /w [text] - Whisper
    Console: /s [text] - Shout
    Console: /die - Kill yourself
    Console: /resetspawn - Reset spawn point
    Console: /[emote]
    Console: Emotes: wave, sit, challenge, cheer, nonono, thumbsup, point, blowkiss, bow, cower, cry, despair, flex, comehere, headbang, kneel, laugh, roar, shrug, dance
    PlayFab logged in as “PlayFab_Roshar_2456_edf04ee51b0db5446e18449e2ea1a247672d8acc”
    PlayFab local entity ID is FDAC94507E0AC4C7
    New session server “Roshar” that has join code , now 0 player(s)
    Register PlayFab server “Roshar” with IP
    Server ‘Roshar’ begin PlayFab create and join network for server
    Unloading 97 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 158712.
    Total: 134.624500 ms (FindLiveObjects: 5.595400 ms CreateObjectMapping: 16.992400 ms MarkObjects: 111.361600 ms DeleteObjects: 0.674800 ms)
    Zonesystem Start 30954
    Added 3 locations, 0 vegetations, 0 environments, 0 biome env-setups, 0 clutter from locations_cp1
    Added 1 locations, 0 vegetations, 2 environments, 0 biome env-setups, 0 clutter from locations_mountaincaves
    Added 27 locations, 25 vegetations, 5 environments, 1 biome env-setups, 3 clutter from locations_mistlands
    Added 4 locations, 0 vegetations, 1 environments, 0 biome env-setups, 0 clutter from locations_hildir
    DungeonDB Start 30954
    ZRpc timeout set to 30s
    Load world: Roshar (Roshar)
    Loading 417944 zdos, my sessionID: 417914681, data version: 32
    Creating ZDOs
    Loading in ZDOs
    Adding to Dictionary
    Adding to Sectors
    Connecting Portals, Spawners & ZSyncTransforms
    ConnectPortals => Connected 6 portals.
    ConnectSpawners => Connected 315 spawners and 659 ‘done’ spawners.
    Loaded 10055 locations
    Unloading unused assets
    Unloading 12 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0)
    The shader Hidden/Dof/DepthOfFieldHdr (UnityEngine.Shader) on effect Main Camera (UnityStandardAssets.ImageEffects.DepthOfField) is not supported on this platform!
    The image effect Main Camera (UnityStandardAssets.ImageEffects.DepthOfField) has been disabled as it’s not supported on the current platform.
    The shader Hidden/SunShaftsComposite (UnityEngine.Shader) on effect Main Camera (UnityStandardAssets.ImageEffects.SunShafts) is not supported on this platform!
    The shader Hidden/SimpleClear (UnityEngine.Shader) on effect Main Camera (UnityStandardAssets.ImageEffects.SunShafts) is not supported on this platform!
    The image effect Main Camera (UnityStandardAssets.ImageEffects.SunShafts) has been disabled as it’s not supported on the current platform.
    [17:19:17] [Generic Info] : Application started in 22 seconds.
    Game server connected
    Unloading 9 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 1731934.
    Total: 659.329400 ms (FindLiveObjects: 84.274700 ms CreateObjectMapping: 36.880000 ms MarkObjects: 537.045000 ms DeleteObjects: 1.129400 ms)
    Joined PlayFab Party network with ID “68350e23-d0a1-4746-b353-404ebbf347f9|AwBWVt+TTbm3BSzFWESwGBlKcJVCEk5vcnRoRXVyb3BlAAAAAAAAAAAA03aiEpapxSC+Owo1h8qJ5NuEOmtS0oeJqq8h6q5ybZZrblBkbnMtaXIwLTgxZTUtOWI5MmNiOTUtNTUyMC00ZDZhLWEwNjgtMjY5NDNjOTRhZTE0Lm5vcnRoZXVyb3BlLmNsb3VkYXBwLmF6dXJlLmNvbQ==”
    Created PlayFab lobby with ID “1bdd1ae3-c370-4e9a-9dfa-015a980f117d.r-20230509”, ConnectionString “cv2:1bdd1ae3-c370-4e9a-9dfa-015a980f117d.r-20230509|451107|kv1:3GxuTVhqzRRA6y2nq6NHDPJXlJKff7qolY6Uwfd+xA4=” and owned by “FDAC94507E0AC4C7”
    Session “Roshar” registered with join code 530918
    Retry join-code check 99
    Session “Roshar” with join code 530918 and IP is active with 0 player(s)

The logs indicate that an update isn’t being attempted. It’d be beneficial to investigate further:

First, let’s confirm if AMP is configured correctly for SteamCMD based updates. You can do this by following these steps:

  1. On your AMP web panel, go to the ADS (Application Deployment Service) panel.
  2. Check if GenericModule.SteamCmd.UpdateAppId is set to 892970.

This ensures that AMP is checking for the correct application to update.

Then, let’s take a look at whether AMP is failing to detect that an update is available. Please try the following:

  1. Check the last version of the game installed by inspecting the latestinstalled.txt file in your AMP instance directory.([InstanceDir]/.ampdata/instances/[InstanceName]/steamapps)
  2. Compare this version number with the version listed on the Steam page’s information on updates for Valheim.

Please share your findings here.

Apollo - the logs indicate that the server started just fine actually. The user actually needs assistance with connecting to the server it seems.

My apologies for the confusion earlier. From your logs it seems like the server is starting well. Could this possibly be a connectivity issue?

Let’s perform some checks to see if the ports are properly opened:

  1. Open command prompt.
  2. Run ampinstmgr ports [INSTANCENAME].

This will check if your Valheim server’s ports are open. Let me know what output you get so we can continue troubleshooting.

[Info] AMP Instance Manager v2.4.6.4 built 07/09/2023 18:03
[Info] Stream: Mainline / Release - built by CUBECODERS/buildbot on CCL-DEV
[Info] Port usage for ValheimServer0201 (Valheim Server 02)
[Info] Instance is currently not running.
[Info] LISTENING 8082 TCP (Core.Webserver.Port)
[Info] CLOSED 2456 UDP (GenericModule.App.Ports.$ApplicationPort1)
[Info] LISTENING 2457 UDP (GenericModule.App.Ports.$ApplicationPort2)
[Warning] Some of the ports required by this instance are currently in use, which will prevent this instance from functioning correctly.

Thanks for this information. It appears that port 2456 is not open, which is needed for your Valheim server.

Ensure no other application is using this port and that the correct firewall rules are in place to allow traffic through it. You should also check your router settings to ensure port forwarding is correctly configured for port 2456.

Once you've done this, you can re-check the ports using the ampinstmgr ports [INSTANCENAME] command. Let me know how you get on.

Apollo, this is an app that requires the user to connect using the query port, and to do so directly in-game rather than using the server list.

That might be the issue. Let's try to have you connect directly to the server using the game's *query port*. This should bypass any server list issues you might be encountering.

Here's a step-by-step guide:

  1. Launch Valheim.
  2. Click on "Join Game".
  3. At the bottom, click on "Join IP".
  4. Enter the server IP and the *query port*.

If you are still unable to connect, please let me know.

I am having problems updating my server to the latest build.

In game when I try to connect as a client it says the server is running on a older version.

Are you using a modded server? Or the official one?

Official one. I have had problems in the past. The only way I have been able to get around it is to create a new instance then copy the old world data to the new instance.

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