Unable to register Target to Controller after new install

OS Name/Version: Debian 11

Product Name/Version: AMP - Currently running version 2.4.3

Problem Description:

I recently created a controller and target servers. I can log into both servers independently but I cannot register the target to the controller. I keep receiving the below error message.

(You do not have permission to use this method (ADSModule.AttachADS) at this time. This method requires the ADS.InstanceManagement.AttachRemoteADSInstance permission.)

I created a secondary account on the controller server and provided super admin permissions but still have the same error.
I verified in the log history and I can see my account login accepted.

Try to give the User the permission explicity

Unfortunately, i tried creating a separate group with only the specified permission and same issue.

If you have 2FA enabled you must disable it while connecting the machines. Then you can reenable. It’s a known issue.

Looks like the issue was resolved in the latest update from AMP.
So far so good
Thank you everyone for the replies

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