Unable to login to Web Page

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OS Name/Version: Ubuntu 22.04.1

Product Name/Version: AMP Instance Manger v2.4.1.2

Problem Description:
Everything to my knowledge installed properly but I am unable to login to the web portal on my local network. just gives me Invalid Username or Password.
This is after I have tried reinstalling AMP and resetting login password serval times.

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Steps to reproduce:

  • Followed the steps to install AMP using the bash command.
  • Followed the instructions on the terminal to setup Minecraft, SteamCMD and Docker.
  • Went to website provided in terminal on bother computer AMP is installed on and another computer with it loading the webpage correctly.
    *Tried to login with credentials I set on the AMP install.

Actions taken to resolve so far:
Resetlogin to another password.
Removed AMP from computer and reinstalled several times with and without docker.
Restarted Computer hosting the AMP service.

I was going to reinstall Ubuntu on the computer to see if that fixes the issues but wanted to put in a support ticket before I did that.

If you’re resetting the login on the command line, make sure to use a plain alphanumeric password. No symbols, then change it via the Web interface once you’re logged in.

Hi Mike,
That seems to have worked thank you.