Unable to join new server due to firewall problem

OS Name/Version: Unraid v6.10.3

Product Name/Version: Amp Release “Triton” v2.3.4.4

Problem Description: I am unable to connect to my server, even when it is running. After browsing the common connectivity problems, I found that I did not have a firewall manager and I believe this is the reason I am unable to connect to the server.

Steps to reproduce:

  • Step 1: Create a Minecraft java server & start it
  • Step 2: Attempt to join
  • Step 3: Unable to join

Actions taken to resolve so far: As mentioned, I attempted to see the firewall table to see what ports are used, however it told me I had no firewall manager. I am very new to unraid and AMP, so I am not sure if this is something I can install or if it was supposed to be installed in the AMP setup. I also tried various ips with no luck (localhost,ipv4,and public ip). Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Are you running AMP within Docker on Unraid or is AMP in a dedicated VM?