Unable to Execute Command to Reinstall AMP from My IP


I’m having trouble reinstalling AMP on my server. After a system failure that forced me to remove AMP, I’ve been trying to reinstall it using the command:


Copy code

bash <(wget -qO- getamp.sh)

stuck on

Adding CubeCoders DEB repository...

However, I am unable to connect to the repository to complete the installation. This happens when I try to run the command from my IP. I’ve tried multiple times, but the system fails to connect to the repository and download the necessary files.

I am using Ubuntu Server 22.04, and the servers were working fine before. I reinstalled the server OS because I wasn’t able to execute the command previously, and now I am stuck trying to reinstall AMP.

Could anyone help me resolve this issue or guide me on the proper steps to reinstall AMP on my server? I would really appreciate any advice or solutions.

Thanks in advance.

Try running bash <(wget -qO- getamp.sh) addRepo just by itself

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