Startup Issue with Valheim - Valheim won't start

System Information

Field Value
Operating System Linux - Debian GNU/Linux 12 on aarch64
Product AMP ‘Callisto’ v2.5.1.6 (Mainline)
Virtualization None
Application Valheim
Module GenericModule
Running in Container No
Current State Starting

Problem Description


I’m getting this error in the console

ERROR: object ‘’ from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (cannot open shared object file): ignored.

I looked through the support forums and I think it said somewhere that this is for modded valheim. I haven’t got any of the options for valheim plus or bepinex turned on.

Reproduction Steps

  • Created instance for valheim
  • valheim is successfully installed then I’ve attempted to start the server
  • server fails to start console shows errors

You’re using aarch64 rather than x86_64 so not all applications work correctly, some will fail for absolutely no apparent reason. Generally Valheim is okay with the emulation layer though. Bare in mind that in any situation where the emulation layer is in use, there is no guarantee the application will run at all.

What you can try doing is stopping the instance, and in the top level file manager editing its “GenericModule.kvp” file and replacing “App.EnvironmentVariables” with the following:

App.EnvironmentVariables={"LD_LIBRARY_PATH":"{{$FullRootDir}}linux64:%LD_LIBRARY_PATH%", "SteamAppId":"892970"}

Which means it won’t even try and look at the modded libraries.