Startup Issue with Palworld - Constant Startup

System Information

Field Value
Operating System Linux - Debian GNU/Linux 12 on x86_64
Product AMP ‘Callisto’ v2.5.1.0 (Mainline)
Virtualization Docker
Application Palworld
Module GenericModule
Running in Container Yes
Current State Starting

Problem Description


After moving my own save files onto the instance when I hit start even when it starts running the startup notification and startup indicator doesnt go away. Then when I try to make a backup it wont create the backup

Reproduction Steps

  • Uploaded personal save files
  • Started Instance and entered to manage it
  • Tried to make a backup

Is you’ve got a worldsave file then it will be overriding the RCON password and therefore amp can’t connect to RCON, which is when it knows the server is started. Delete the worldsave file and configure the settings via the amp ui

Hey thanks, there is a worldsav so that probably is the issue. What settings exactly do I need to configure ?

Whatever Palworld settings you want to apply

ok great but what specifically do I need to change to prevent this conflict?

Already told you, delete WorldOption.sav, then the settings that AMP sets in the ini will work, including the RCON password

Having deleted the file mentioned and restarting the container each port comes online individually which is an improvement. However, I still can’t make backups and despite the server being online it still says it is starting. Checking DefaultPalWorldSettings.ini RCON is disabled and enablement and a restart doesnt fix the issue. changing the rcon port and performing a save and reboot also doesn’t cause the rcon port number to change on the instance management screen.

So I did a bit more tweaking and I upped the port number via the instance screen, right click, port bindings and the startup issue goes away and the system runs fully however backup isnt working. tried to run one and got the above error.

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