Startup Issue with No One Survived - start up crash, exit code 777006

System Information

Field Value
Operating System Windows - Windows 10 Pro on x86_64
Product AMP ‘Callisto’ v2.5.0.6 (Mainline)
Virtualization None
Application No One Survived
Module GenericModule
Running in Container No
Current State Failed

Problem Description


brand new install of the server, it will not launch, crashes instantly and provides and exit code that is not part of your code list, Exit Code 777006

Reproduction Steps

  • Read logs, showed Game.ini was none existing. I added that file to its correct location. No luck, still crashes
  • went over the community forum, found multiple people have my same issue, no resolution with theirs
  • checked discord channels for help, and looks for solutions, none to be found

A new instance on Win 10 starts fine for me. Also on Linux. Just the regex issue so AMP doesn’t know it has started and the Game.ini not being created by the server.

I will experiment whether the template supplying a Game.ini solves the regex issue.

Otherwise no idea what is causing your issue. Only suggestion is to make sure you have the latest MS c++ Redist installed.

OK, just checked in their discord, and indeed with the update they changed the startup logging. Will adjust the template. And also add an initial Game.ini download.

Also note this comment re deps:

so after exporting the text from that image… heres the link


so far still no change…

I installed that UEPrereqSetup and updated my instance, and did not change a thing. but now with the prerequisite installed, I am going to try and do a new fresh install of the server to see if it changes anything.

just odd, on the same machine outside of AMP I can run the server fine from the steamCMD side, but in AMP I get this error

latest edit: updated my server that is outside of AMP, and it wont work now. Testing on a different machine that has my Ark server on it, cuz my ark server wont run on my main server machine lol.

Last Update:

My issue has now been resolved for now. Since the updates of the latest game server versions, they stopped working on my main server machine which is a old MacPro2,1 from 2007 with DDR2 ram, dual Xeon CPUs, but since its a lot old specs its most likely outdated and doesn’t support the latest stuff from UE.

thanks to those who have tried to help me figure this out.