Startup Issue with Garry's Mod - Server not Starting / Not downloading Workshop Collection

System Information

Field Value
Operating System Windows - Windows Server 2016 on x86_64
Product AMP ‘Phobos’ v2.6.0.10 (Mainline)
Virtualization None
Application Garry’s Mod
Module GenericModule
Running in Container No
Current State Starting

Problem Description


The Server currently can not start. I can’t see why. In the Logs there is only one Error after a time: “[RCON:admin Error/19] : Source RCON not connected, cannot login…”. This error occurs all few seconds. For me it seems like the Server is not downloading the Workshop collection. I’m not new to GMod Server hosting, i’ve got one up and running on the same machine and quite similar settings and the same Workshop Collection, which works. Maybe i’m just not seeing something you guys can :slight_smile:

Reproduction Steps

  • Created Server
  • Added necessary Steam Web-API Key and Game-Server Token
  • Added Workshop ID

Not just taking its sweet time to download?

Hey Greelan,

Thanks for your reply. Shouldn’t i see anything in the Console when downloading? Moreover i can’t see any network traffic over 500 Kbit/s on my Server. So i would assume it’s not downloading the Workshop collection. I’m new to AMP but i hosted an GMod Server on this machine locally and used Nitrado as a hosting service. Both worked fine. The Collection is not public but accessible via ID. I’ve also tried creating a new instance, both 32-Bit and 64-Bit and reinstalled AMP with all Modules, but nothing worked as of now.

You won’t get any output until the server starts and the udp logger connects

I’ve let the server in state “starting” for a whole night. The Addons have appoximatly 2-3GB. With my 100 MBit/s downloadspeed it should definetly be finished after 6-7 hours. When i start the Server with the default map, the server starts. But when i want the server to start with a map that’s in the Workshop collection, the server doesn’t start.