Startup Issue with Application Deployment - Hello can you please install on my server modpack

System Information

Field Value
Operating System Linux - Debian GNU/Linux 12 on x86_64
Product AMP ‘Phobos’ v2.6.0.6 (Mainline)
Virtualization QEMU_KVM
Application Application Deployment
Module ADSModule
Running in Container No
Current State Indeterminate

Problem Description


I have tried numerous times today to upload modpack on server but always some files was missing or files was actually on server but errors accured. I was doing everything by your guide but it doesnt help! Please download on my server modpack Integrated MC for version 1.20.1

Reproduction Steps

  • uploaded modpack on server
  • in minecraft it was said that some mods is missing
  • but mods was uploaded on server

This is not Hostinger support, just the forum for AMP. We can only help you with panel related issues, and cannot install a modpack for you.

There is a FAQ here:

You need to make sure that you are uploading the server pack zip, and not the mod manifest from the client. You can then unzip the server pack in the web file manager.

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