Scheduler Global Variables

Scheduler Global Variables

AMP 2.5 has a number of global variables available to scheduled tasks in addition to the ones exposed by the trigger. They use the exact same {@Key} syntax, but substitute different values. For example, {@CPUUsage} will substitute for the current instances CPU usage.

Key Description
InstanceName Name of the current instance
InstanceId ID of the current instance
Uptime Uptime of the current instance
State State ID of the current instance
StartTime Time the application was started within the instance (if running)
ApplicationName Name of the application as exposed by its configuration
RAMUsage RAM usage in megabytes
CPUUsage CPU usage as a percentage (without %)
MaxUsers User limit of the application (if applicable)
UserCount Number of connected users (if applicable/available)
TriggerId The ID of the scheduler trigger that fired the event
TriggerName The Name of the scheduler trigger that fired the event
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