OS Name/Version: Windows 11 pro
Product Name/Version: Aska Latest as of 2025-02-04
Problem Description:
can start a Server no problem and join and play on it but it do not save any progress
so after each restart any progress is lost.
Steps to reproduce:
Step 1 Launch the server
Step 2 do some stuff ingame
Step 3 restart the server
Step 4 verify that stuff made is gone
Step 5 verify that no updated files in instance folder is blank
example instance Aska01: ASKA01\aska\3246670\server
there is no files there
Verify if AskaServer.bat works
Step 10 Launch bat file
Step 11 See that it creates files in Server save file location
Actions taken to resolve so far:
launch with AskaServer.bat file
Not sure how to debug anymore
Well, I’ve experienced the same thing. Everything lost, twice. I have no solution to share.
I’m using Docker and Wine on Ubuntu server.
What i have noted is that the Symb link to save location from instance is broken and if replaced it will be broken again after some time.
so my current work around is use batch file but do not have auto reboot and backup.
February 15, 2025, 10:13pm
What do you mean by “broken”?
Also, what is your autosave interval set in AMP to?
February 15, 2025, 10:41pm
With a brand new instance on Windows, with the Autosave Interval set to 5 minutes and the Keep World Alive set to on, the save is created immediately when the server starts (and then is autosaved every 5 mins):
Symlink working as designed
interesting i did try to go to the folder trought windows explorer and it did not work but as you did i get to a folder if i use the in app browser
have to diagnose more but i did note that it changed the save game ID some times maybe is that.
but will see if i can get my external save to the correct location now and load it
cant show the next image of explorer folder:
C:\Users\Jocke\AppData\LocalLow\Sand Sailor Studio\Aska\data\server
that show only these 2:
savegame_364d8_040225213929 (last used)
Wonder where it saves the save for amp
Settings Save ID: 364d8_040225213929
PS i has not created the correct save file currently and can not se dates of folders
February 17, 2025, 7:44am
AMP runs instances as the Network Service user which is why:
you shouldn’t use Windows Explorer
you couldn’t access the junction link via a different user
the saves are actually stored in the Network Service user’s AppData (which is in Windows\ServiceProfiles\NetworkService)
Use AMP’s file manager or SFTP for transferring files on windows or you will be in permissions hell