I know Google supports S3 buckets these days and that you can use the AWS SDK to access them at least to some extent, but don’t really know the details.
I got AMP to work with MinIO and learned a few things that might be helpful to you.
AMP doesn’t use PutObjectRequest to upload files, it uses the TransferUtilityUploadRequest API. PutObjectRequest doesn’t work for very large transfers.
So far as I can tell this issue isn’t fixable from our end at all. The method outlined in the SO post won’t work for large files. So the only option I’m afraid is to use a different provider.
Stumbled upon this. I am using gaul s3proxy to then push to azure blob storage. It was working up until the 8th August and then it stopped and now I get the “Stack Overflow: Expected hash not equal to calculated hash” error. Not sure what changed, I’m guessing there was an AMP update.