Running into issues installing AMP on Ubuntu server 24.04.1

Yikes, that’s a bit alarming. If you’re connecting from a region with strict internet interference (e.g., firewalls or surveillance setups meddling with traffic), there’s a good chance you’re hitting some form of MitM (man-in-the-middle) filtering.

What you can do:

  1. Stay on the VPN: If the AMP install works fine via the VPN, continue using it. It’ll encrypt your traffic and bypass any potential state-level meddling.

  2. Fingerprint the Traffic Tampering:
    If you’re curious, tools like wireshark can help you capture traffic and pinpoint edits in the SSL handshake. It’s nerdy, but enlightening.

  3. Permanent Fix?
    If state interference is permanent, consider using a VPN consistently or even switching to a Cloudflare WARP setup for better long-term reliability.

Let me know if you’re good with the VPN route or want help diving deeper into any suspicious traffic behavior! Otherwise, it seems you’ve sidestepped the block. :earth_africa:

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