Project Zomboid server after update the triggers is not working

OS Name/Version: Debian Server

Product Name/Version: Project Zomboid server after update 41.77

Problem Description:
Project Zomboid server after update: triggers are not working, it won’t track the active players, and there are no user triggering actions (user joined or left).

I tried to reinstall the instance and AMP, but the issue remained the same.

The server logging may have changed, so AMP’s regex is not matching.

Can you post log lines from the AMP logs showing when a user joins or leaves?

Are you using mods?

No i dont have any mods its a vanila server.

Player join:


LOG : Network , 1664965107090> 4,026,279,829> [05-10-22 12:18:27.089] > ZNet: SSteamSDK → SZombienet: OnP2PSessionRequest

LOG : Network , 1664965107090> 4,026,279,829> [05-10-22 12:18:27.090] > ZNet: OnP2PSessionRequest: idx=4 SteamID=76561198027971970

LOG : Network , 1664965107090> 4,026,279,829> [05-10-22 12:18:27.090] > ZNet: SZombienet → SSteamSDK: AcceptP2PSessionWithUser


LOG : Network , 1664965111078> 4,026,283,818> [05-10-22 12:18:31.078] > ZNet: SRakNet → SZombienet: RakNetRecvFrom

LOG : Network , 1664965111079> 4,026,283,818> [05-10-22 12:18:31.079] > ZNet: SZombienet → SZombienet: OnMsgVersionMessage

LOG : Network , 1664965111079> 4,026,283,818> [05-10-22 12:18:31.079] > ZNet: Client version=41.77.3 matches server version=41.77.3

LOG : Network , 1664965111079> 4,026,283,818> [05-10-22 12:18:31.079] > ZNet: hnote over SZombienet : ZNetServerInfoMessage

LOG : Network , 1664965111079> 4,026,283,819> [05-10-22 12:18:31.079] > ZNet: SZombienet → SSteamSDK: SendP2PPacket

LOG : Network , 1664965111208> 4,026,283,948> [05-10-22 12:18:31.208] > ZNet: SRakNet → SZombienet: OnNewConnection

LOG : Network , 1664965111209> 4,026,283,948> [05-10-22 12:18:31.209] > ZNet: OnNewConnection: incoming=1 state=Connected

LOG : Network , 1664965111210> 4,026,283,949> [05-10-22 12:18:31.210] > ZNet: [-> CZombienet: RakNetPeerInterface_getIPFromGUID

LOG : Network , 1664965111210> 4,026,283,949> [05-10-22 12:18:31.210] > ConnectionManager: [RakNet] “new-incoming-connection” connection: guid=369295192680232776 ip=null steam-id=0 access= username=“null” connection-type=“Disconnected”

LOG : Network , 1664965111599> 4,026,284,339> [05-10-22 12:18:31.599] > ZNet: SRakNet → SZombienet: OnReceive

LOG : Network , 1664965111600> 4,026,284,339> [05-10-22 12:18:31.600] > ZNet: SZombienet → SZombienet: ProcessPacket

LOG : Network , 1664965111600> 4,026,284,339> [05-10-22 12:18:31.600] > ZNet: Client has begun authentication

LOG : Network , 1664965111600> 4,026,284,339> [05-10-22 12:18:31.600] > ZNet: SZombienet → SZombienet: OnClientBeginAuth

LOG : Network , 1664965111600> 4,026,284,339> [05-10-22 12:18:31.600] > ZNet: got token from the client

LOG : Network , 1664965111600> 4,026,284,340> [05-10-22 12:18:31.600] > ZNet: SZombienet → SSteamSDK: BeginAuthSession

LOG : Network , 1664965111601> 4,026,284,340> [05-10-22 12:18:31.601] > ZNet: BeginAuthSession() ok

LOG : Network , 1664965111889> 4,026,284,628> [05-10-22 12:18:31.889] > ZNet: SSteamSDK → SZombienet: OnValidateAuthTicketResponse

LOG : Network , 1664965111890> 4,026,284,629> [05-10-22 12:18:31.890] > ZNet: OnValidateAuthTicketResponse response=OK SteamID=76561198027971970

LOG : Network , 1664965111890> 4,026,284,629> [05-10-22 12:18:31.890] > ZNet: Auth succeeded

LOG : Network , 1664965111890> 4,026,284,630> [05-10-22 12:18:31.890] > ZNet: hnote over SZombienet : mtMsgServerAuthPassed

LOG : Network , 1664965111890> 4,026,284,630> [05-10-22 12:18:31.890] > ZNet: SZombienet → SZombienet: SendServerMessage

DEBUG: Voice , 1664965111927> 4,026,284,666> VoiceManager.VoiceConnectAccept > uuid=520000568f6f748


LOG : Network , 1664965112185> 4,026,284,924> [05-10-22 12:18:32.185] > ConnectionManager: [receive-packet] “login” connection: guid=369295192680232776 ip=null steam-id=0 access= username=“null” connection-type=“UDPRakNet”

LOG : Network , 1664965112185> 4,026,284,925> [05-10-22 12:18:32.185] > ZNet: [-> CZombienet: RakNetPeerInterface_getIPFromGUID

LOG : Network , 1664965112186> 4,026,284,925> [05-10-22 12:18:32.186] > ZNet: [-> CZombienet: RakNetPeerInterface_GetClientSteamID

LOG : Network , 1664965112186> 4,026,284,925> [05-10-22 12:18:32.186] > ZNet: [-> CZombienet: RakNetPeerInterface_GetClientOwnerSteamID

LOG : General , 1664965112186> 4,026,284,926> User ntamas is trying to connect.

DEBUG: Multiplayer , 1664965112187> 4,026,284,927> GameServer.receiveLogin > User ntamas ping 28 ms

LOG : Network , 1664965112190> 4,026,284,929> [05-10-22 12:18:32.190] > ConnectionManager: [receive-packet] “client-connect” connection: guid=369295192680232776 ip= steam-id=76561198027971970 access=admin username=“ntamas” connection-type=“UDPRakNet”

LOG : Network , 1664965112192> 4,026,284,931> Connected new client ntamas ID # 12

DEBUG: Multiplayer , 1664965112196> 4,026,284,935> RequestDataPacket.sendConnectingDetails> ConnectionDetails 63613b


LOG : Network , 1664965118424> 4,026,291,163> [05-10-22 12:18:38.424] > ConnectionManager: [receive-packet] “login-queue-request” connection: guid=369295192680232776 ip= steam-id=76561198027971970 access=admin username=“ntamas” connection-type=“UDPRakNet”

DEBUG: Multiplayer , 1664965118720> 4,026,291,459> RequestDataPacket.doProcessRequest > Descriptors 4010b

DEBUG: Multiplayer , 1664965118781> 4,026,291,520> RequestDataPacket.doProcessRequest > MetaGrid 817881b


DEBUG: Multiplayer , 1664965119161> 4,026,291,900> RequestDataPacket.doProcessRequest > MapZone 867286b

DEBUG: Multiplayer , 1664965119590> 4,026,292,329> RequestDataPacket.doProcessRequest > PlayerZombieDescriptors 40919b

DEBUG: Multiplayer , 1664965119654> 4,026,292,394> RequestDataPacket.doProcessRequest > RadioData 12620b


LOG : General , 1664965120027> 4,026,292,767> NetChecksum: PacketTotalChecksum lua=true script=true


LOG : Network , 1664965127952> 4,026,300,691> [05-10-22 12:18:47.952] > ConnectionManager: [receive-packet] “login-queue-done” connection: guid=369295192680232776 ip= steam-id=76561198027971970 access=admin username=“ntamas” connection-type=“UDPRakNet”


LOG : Network , 1664965130155> 4,026,302,895> [05-10-22 12:18:50.155] > ConnectionManager: [receive-packet] “player-connect” connection: guid=369295192680232776 ip= steam-id=76561198027971970 access=admin username=“ntamas” connection-type=“UDPRakNet”

LOG : General , 1664965130156> 4,026,302,895> User:‘ntamas’ ip: is trying to connect

LOG : General , 1664965130156> 4,026,302,896> Warning, root node parent is always null.

LOG : Network , 1664965130157> 4,026,302,897> [05-10-22 12:18:50.157] > ZNet: BUpdateUserData ‘ntamas’ id=76561198027971970

LOG : Network , 1664965130158> 4,026,302,898> [05-10-22 12:18:50.158] > ConnectionManager: [fully-connected] “” connection: guid=369295192680232776 ip= steam-id=76561198027971970 access=admin username=“ntamas” connection-type=“UDPRakNet”

player left:


LOG : Network , 1664965219727> 4,026,392,466> [05-10-22 12:20:19.727] > ZNet: SRakNet → SZombienet: OnClosedConnection

LOG : Network , 1664965219727> 4,026,392,466> [05-10-22 12:20:19.727] > ZNet: OnClosedConnection: reason=DisconnectionNotification port=18977

LOG : Network , 1664965219727> 4,026,392,467> [05-10-22 12:20:19.727] > ZNet: Disconnecting client #3 SteamID=76561198027971970

LOG : Network , 1664965219727> 4,026,392,467> [05-10-22 12:20:19.727] > ZNet: Disconnect: DisconnectionNotification (1105) SteamID=76561198027971970

LOG : Network , 1664965219728> 4,026,392,467> [05-10-22 12:20:19.728] > ConnectionManager: [RakNet] “disconnection-notification” connection: guid=369295192680232776 ip= steam-id=76561198027971970 access=admin username=“ntamas” connection-type=“Disconnected”

LOG : Network , 1664965219742> 4,026,392,481> Disconnected player “ntamas” 76561198027971970

LOG : Network , 1664965219742> 4,026,392,481> [05-10-22 12:20:19.742] > ConnectionManager: [disconnect] “receive-disconnect” connection: guid=369295192680232776 ip= steam-id=76561198027971970 access=admin username=“ntamas” connection-type=“Disconnected”

LOG : Network , 1664965219994> 4,026,392,734> [05-10-22 12:20:19.994] > ZNet: SSteamSDK → SZombienet: OnValidateAuthTicketResponse

LOG : Network , 1664965219994> 4,026,392,734> [05-10-22 12:20:19.994] > ZNet: OnValidateAuthTicketResponse response=AuthTicketCanceled SteamID=76561198027971970


LOG : Network , 1664965220790> 4,026,393,529> [05-10-22 12:20:20.790] > ZNet: Finally disconnected client 76561198027971970

LOG : Network , 1664965220790> 4,026,393,530> [05-10-22 12:20:20.790] > ZNet: SZombienet → SZombienet: CloseConnection

LOG : Network , 1664965220790> 4,026,393,530> [05-10-22 12:20:20.790] > ZNet: CloseConnection: Finally disconnected (1101) SteamID=76561198027971970

LOG : Network , 1664965220790> 4,026,393,530> [05-10-22 12:20:20.790] > ZNet: SZombienet → SSteamSDK: CloseP2PSessionWithUser

LOG : Network , 1664965220792> 4,026,393,532> [05-10-22 12:20:20.792] > ZNet: SZombienet → SSteamSDK: EndAuthSession

Thanks. I see now as well the stable version has added the new udp port (default 16262) and deprecated the two steam ports

OK, because of the port change the server logging for user joins has changed.

Stop your instance, then go into the PZ instance datastore through the main AMP File Manager, and edit GenericModule.kvp. Change the Console.UserJoinRegex line to look like:

Console.UserJoinRegex=^LOG\s+: Network\s+, \d+>.*> Connected new client (?<username>.+?) ID # (?<userid>.+?)$

1 Like

Now I’ve noticed something strange
randomly got triggered by the “user left” trigger even though nobody left the server.


LOG : General , 1664973241615> 4,034,414,355> shared-descriptor: added id=1018


LOG : General , 1664973307800> 4,034,480,540> coop player=1/4 username=“BullFather” is joining

LOG : General , 1664973307802> 4,034,480,541> coop player=1/4 username=“BullFather” is replacing dead player


LOG : Network , 1664973307802> 4,034,480,542> Disconnected player “BullFather” 76561198100304903

LOG : General , 1664973307803> 4,034,480,543> Player with PlayerID =‘0’ not found!

LOG : Network , 1664973308045> 4,034,480,784> DISCORD: get message on current channel

LOG : Network , 1664973308045> 4,034,480,784> DISCORD: send message = “” for Szerver-Infó)

LOG : General , 1664973308178> 4,034,480,918> command entered via server console ( “servermsg “ntamas Lelépett a Szerverről””

LOG : General , 1664973308217> 4,034,480,956> Message ‘ChatMessage{chat=Server, author=‘Server’, text=‘ntamas Lelépett a Szerverről’}’ was sent to player with id ‘4’ of chat ‘5’

LOG : General , 1664973308217> 4,034,480,957> Message ‘ChatMessage{chat=Server, author=‘Server’, text=‘ntamas Lelépett a Szerverről’}’ was sent to player with id ‘8’ of chat ‘5’