Project Zomboid external connection issue

OS Name/Version: Windows 10

Product Name/Version: AMP Release “Halimede”
v2.4.0.6, built 29/09/2022 16:10

Problem Description: I have created a server but I cant figure out how to get my friends to join my Project Zomboid server. I can connect to it locally but not externally.

Actions taken to resolve so far: I have port forwarded the following ports: 19132, 16262, 8766, 8767.
I have connecting though those ports externally but nothing.
I have adjusted the firewall rules to allow the connections but nothing.
Is there something im missing in configuring the server?

The latest stable PZ release changes the server’s port logic. The AMP template will be updated shortly to reflect those changes, which may help.

Otherwise with a Steam client you should be able to connect on the first port, 19132 in your case. Make sure that port is forwarded in your router (UDP)

I port forwarded the TCP version of that port not the UDP.

Is the rule of thumb to port forward both UDP and TCP?

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It won’t hurt to forward both in the end if nothing else is using the port. But if you click Edit Ports for the instance AMP tells you what type of port it needs and the numbers.