Need assistance after update panel is not working (Linux - Debian)

Hi, I need assitance. Not sure what’s wrong and/or how to fix this without clean re-install.

OS Name/Version: Debian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm)

Product Name/Version: /home/amp/.ampdata/Versions/Mainline/20240502.1 (before update)
After update folder created: /home/amp/.ampdata/Versions/Mainline/20240515.9

Problem Description:

[20:28:56] [Core Info]            : Starting AMP version (Callisto), built 15/05/2024 20:37
[20:28:56] [Core Info]            : Stream: Mainline / Release - built by CUBECODERS/buildbot on CCL-DEV
[20:28:56] [Core Info]            : Running in a QEMU KVM environment.
[20:28:56] [Core Warning]         : Current time zone is set to EET - It is recommended you switch to UTC+0 to avoid time-zone related issues
[20:28:56] [Core Info]            : OS: Linux / x86_64
[20:28:56] [Core Info]            : CPU: QEMU Virtual CPU version 2.5+ (8C/8T)
[20:28:56] [Core Info]            : RAM: 7939MB
[20:28:56] [Core Info]            : AMP Instance ID: 40f02bcc-7a12-43b8-b1c8-934f26a20f68
[20:28:56] [Loader Info]          : Loaded ADSModule version by CubeCoders Limited
[20:28:56] [Loader Info]          : Loaded FileManagerPlugin by CubeCoders Limited
[20:28:56] [Loader Info]          : Loaded EmailSenderPlugin by CubeCoders Limited
[20:28:56] [Loader Error]         : Unable to load plugin WebRequestPlugin: A developer licence is required to load unsigned plugins.
[20:28:56] [Loader Error]         : Could not load plugin WebRequestPlugin
[20:28:56] [Loader Error]         : Unable to load plugin LocalFileBackupPlugin: A developer licence is required to load unsigned plugins.
[20:28:56] [Loader Error]         : Could not load plugin LocalFileBackupPlugin
[20:28:56] [Loader Info]          : Loaded CommonCorePlugin by CubeCoders Limited
[20:28:56] [Loader Info]          : ADSModule requests dependency InstanceManagerPlugin...
[20:28:57] [Loader Info]          : Loaded InstanceManagerPlugin by CubeCoders Limited
[20:28:57] [Loader Info]          : ADSModule requests dependency SystemUserManagerPlugin...
[20:28:57] [Loader Error]         : Unable to load plugin SystemUserManagerPlugin: A developer licence is required to load unsigned plugins.
[20:28:57] [Loader Error]         : ADSModule plugin requests SystemUserManagerPlugin as a hard dependency, but could not be loaded.
[20:28:57] [Core Info]            : Licence Present: AMP Professional Edition
[20:28:57] [Loader Error]         : ADSModule plugin requests SystemUserManagerPlugin as a hard dependency, but it is not loaded.
[20:28:57] [Loader Info]          : Loaded steamcmdplugin by CubeCoders Limited
[20:28:57] [ErrorReporter Error]  : Unhandled Exception: Please report this to the AMP developers.
[20:28:57] [ErrorReporter Error]  : [Error] --- Begin Exception Data ---
[Error] OS: Linux (x86_64/QEMU_KVM)
[Error] Module: ADSModule, Version: AMP
[Error] Release spec: Mainline - built by CUBECODERS/buildbot on CCL-DEV
[Error] Instance ID: 40f02bcc-7a12-43b8-b1c8-934f26a20f68
[Error] FileNotFoundException
[Error] [0] (FileNotFoundException) : Could not load file or assembly 'SystemUserManagerPlugin, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one of its dependencies.
[Error]   at ADSModule.InstanceDatastoreManager.Seed () 
  at ADSModule.InstanceDatastoreManager.PostInit (InstanceManagerPlugin.LocalInstanceManager lim, FileManagerPlugin.IVirtualDirectoryService vds) 
  at ADSModule.ModuleMain.PostInit () 
  at GSMyAdmin.ModuleLoader.RunPostInit () 
  at GSMyAdmin.Core.Run () 
  at GSMyAdmin.Program.Main () 
[Error] --- End Exception Data ---
[Warning] Last error was raised less than 60 minutes ago, error report will not be submitted.

[20:28:57] [ErrorReporter Info]   : ####################################
[20:28:57] [ErrorReporter Info]   : #         Self Diagnostics         #
[20:28:57] [ErrorReporter Info]   : ####################################
[20:28:57] [ErrorReporter Info]   : AMP tried to access a file (SystemUserManagerPlugin, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null) that doesn't exist, or the file was removed after the point AMP checked for its existence. Could not load file or assembly 'SystemUserManagerPlugin, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one of its dependencies.

Steps to reproduce:

  • Just hit Upgrade Instance from the web panel and now it’s not working. I’ve tried to reboot machine multiple times, no luck.

Actions taken to resolve so far:

ampinstmgr --nocache upgradeall
Reboot again - no changes.

1 Like

Same here! Ubuntu 24.04 , lost web interface! last updates always breaks something, tired to wipe my servers!!

1 Like

Same Problems after Update…

1 Like

Thanks a lot Mike. I can access the AMP now. :grinning:

It did not solve the problem for me. ADS no longer starts. ich i want to reconfigure it i get the following problem:

[Info] AMP Instance Manager v2.4.1.2 built 21/12/2022 17:55
[Info] Release spec: Release - built by CUBECODERS/buildbot on CCL-DEV
[Info] Reconfiguring instance ADS…
[17:54:22] [Core Info/1] : Starting AMP version (Callisto), built 31/05/2024 14:46
[17:54:22] [Core Info/1] : Stream: Mainline / Release - built by CUBECODERS/buildbot on CCL-DEV
[17:54:22] [Core Info/1] : Loading configuration from provisionargs.kvp…
[17:54:22] [Core Info/1] : Running in a QEMU KVM environment.
[17:54:22] [Core Warning/1] : Current time zone is set to CET - It is recommended you switch to UTC+0 to avoid time-zone related issues
[17:54:22] [Core Info/1] : OS: Linux / x86_64
[17:54:22] [Core Info/1] : CPU: Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 6140 CPU @ 2.30GHz (10C/10T)
[17:54:22] [Core Info/1] : RAM: 48171MB
[17:54:22] [Core Info/1] : AMP Instance ID: cc125bcf-d3c6-49f6-a271-fcfa368a4454
[17:54:23] [Settings Warning/1] : Unable to set field value for node: NewInstanceDefaults.DefaultPostCreate to StartInstance - Requested value ‘StartInstance’ was not found.
[17:54:23] [Loader Info/1] : Loaded ADSModule version by CubeCoders Limited
[17:54:23] [Loader Info/1] : Loaded FileManagerPlugin by CubeCoders Limited
[17:54:23] [Loader Info/1] : Loaded EmailSenderPlugin by CubeCoders Limited
[17:54:23] [Loader Info/1] : Loaded WebRequestPlugin by CubeCoders Limited
[17:54:23] [Loader Info/1] : Loaded LocalFileBackupPlugin by CubeCoders Limited
[17:54:23] [Loader Info/1] : ADSModule requests dependency InstanceManagerPlugin…
[17:54:23] [Loader Info/1] : Loaded InstanceManagerPlugin by CubeCoders Limited
[17:54:23] [Loader Info/1] : ADSModule requests dependency SystemUserManagerPlugin…
[17:54:23] [Loader Info/1] : Loaded SystemUserManagerPlugin by CubeCoders Limited
[17:54:23] [Core Warning/1] : No such setting node: FileManagerPlugin.FTP.FTPPortNumber - maybe the relevant plugin/module isn’t loaded?
[17:54:24] [Core Info/1] : -configonly specified or activation performed. Saving settings and shutting down. This is perfectly normal.
[Info] Done. Use --ShowInstancesList to see your changes.

You’re using an outdated version of ampinstmgr. Please update first.

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