Minecraft - Use a VPS instance to host a local MYSQL

System Information

Field Value
Operating System Linux - Debian GNU/Linux 12 on x86_64
Product AMP ‘Callisto’ v2.5.0.0 (Mainline)
Virtualization Docker
Application Minecraft
Module MinecraftModule
Running in Container Yes
Current State Stopped


Setting up a MYSQL for use with my VPS

Problem Description


Searched the tabs and asked AI bot for help. Did not recieve any concrete information if this is possible or not. Purely curious if I can use an Instance on my VPS to host a local MYSQL Database for use with my game server.

Reproduction Steps

  • Searched through Minecraft Instance settings on the web panel.
  • Searched through game panel settings on the web panel
  • Asked the AI if they had a way to setup the MYSQL Database using a VPS instance.

Just a note, we are not Hostinger, this is the forum for AMP (the software that Hostinger uses).
Though you should be able to install a MySQL server, you would just need to refer to the official MySQL docs and install it.

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