Minecraft - The Scheduler only checks varibles when the trigger happens

System Information

Field Value
Operating System Windows - Windows 10 Pro on x86_64
Product AMP ‘Phobos’ v2.6.0.12 (Mainline)
Virtualization None
Application Minecraft
Module MinecraftModule
Running in Container No
Current State Ready


Schedule a shut down if everyone leaves and dont rejoin

Problem Description


The Scheduler only checks varibles when the trigger happens and not when the task is ran

Reproduction Steps

  • Create a minecraft instance
  • Create a scheduled task
  • Create a wait task
  • Create a if task
  • Check the varible and notice it gives you old data

Mind showing an example? A bit hard to troubleshoot/reproduce otherwise

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Here you go! Hope this helps

and here it is on the atm9 server that was on the windows machine in davyalan1’s post (not doing a video cause that would suck to edit)
https://i.imgur.com/I0Lyg2X.png - censored Schedule Discord message block containing webhook
https://i.imgur.com/dESuGJi.jpeg - censored my ip address

To my understanding the variables are basically a “shapshot” taken when the event triggers, so the usercount value for that scheduler action will always be 0.

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Damn. Do you know if they are going to change this?

Not a clue, though you could put a request for it over on GitHub

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