As is it an english only forum, I’ll answer with both english and french
You can also access your amp folders from within File Explorer at AMP root path of your installation, then search with the keyword “Backup” and you should find them by .zip extension
Tu peux aussi accéder aux backup en utilisant le Gestionnaire de fichier et en allant à la racine d’installation de ton AMP, une fois là, recherche “Backup” et tu devrais trouver tes .zip de Backup
That’s where I’m a bit confused because I am on a Windows system but the AMP dashboard assistance put the Linux as in my OS
I suppose it is the OS of the Docker instance ?
Look at my case created via it
That’s why I thought we had the same “setup” since he is using docker too
But I may be wrong on assuming this ^^’
Docker would be using linux yeah. Even then, you should not be using the Windows File explorer for much, as that can bugger with file permissions. SFTP is always your safest bet.