Logged in to Steam

OS Name/Version: Windows server 2022 DataCenter

Product Name/Version: AMP Release “Callisto” v2.5.0.4, built 04/04/2024 18:29

Problem Description:


I want to create a server on DayZ but I am having a problem downloading the game server because of the request to connect with a Steam account.

I created a conversation with video and image on your discord to ask for help but the help asked for on discord does not suit me, that’s why I created a post here.

Post links on discord.

Steps to reproduce:

  • An instance on DayZ.
  • Connection to a steam account through the AMP panel.
  • Downloading and starting the game server.

Actions taken to resolve so far:

  • Changing steam account passwords.
  • Disabling the code request on the Steam account.
  • Disconnect and clear AMP cache and reconnect.
  • Test creating a server via SteamCmd in CMD with the same Steam account (No problem connecting to Steam accounts).
  • Request for help on Discord without conclusive results.

thank you in advance.

Can you describe in more detail what the actual problem is? What does the console show in terms of output from steamcmd?

Result with SteamCMD under AMP.

Result with the SteamCMD under CMD in command prompt on Windows in manual.

The SteamCMD under AMP does not work correctly with a login request with a user and passwords.

The SteamCMD under Windows command prompt in manual works correctly with a connection request with a user and passwords.

I think that AMP has no problem with server installations with the Steam Anonymous user but when we have to do an installation with a Steam account with User and Passwords I don’t know why but AMP doesn’t want to. ??

video of the installation attempt with an Account

Try turning on “Keep SteamCMD Scripts” to see what AMP is doing and if it’s getting something wrong with the password.

I activated the “Keep SteamCMD Scripts” option, it doesn’t work, I still have the same problem.

After “purchasing the game”
Enter the steam server interface and configure the server
You can do this by placing the steam server files into the AMP folder
DayZStable01\dayz\223350 Start the server

On the advice of “Mike” on discord I deleted everything from AMP on my server.

I created an AMP user on Windows to manage the panel.
I logged in as AMP.
I installed AMP.
I created the instance under DayZ.
I activated the “Keep SteamCMD Scripts” option.

But when I start the server it always asks me to connect to steam to download the game server.

And as explained above in the post he asks me in a loop like in the video and images that I provided.

An idea ?.

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