Is there a setup guide for FiveM? I cannot get mine to work correctly

OS Name/Version:
-Windows / 10.0.22621 Build 22621

Product Name/Version:
-AMP Release “Decadeus” v2.4.2, built

Problem Description:
-I have downloaded Everything needed for FiveM for AMP and for my PC but when I go to load the game and connect to the server I get stopped when it says “Waiting for Scripts” and it just stays here and does nothing.
-I have asked it the discord in the Technical section and the FiveM section and nobody has responded.
-I do not know how to share logs or even where to look for them under FiveM.
-Yes Git is installed.

Steps to reproduce:

  • Step 1 Start the instance on the server.
  • Step 2 Connect to the FiveM server from my PC.
  • Step 3 Get stuck at the “Waiting for Scripts” while it’s loading.

Actions taken to resolve so far:
Updated just to make sure even thow it is a fresh installed.
Checked all the files and made sure they were all still there.
Reconfigured script locations and ran it multiple times. No help.

Can you get a FiveM server up and running without the use of AMP. Start their and see if that is achievable. If you are able to get it up and running. Import that into amp and see what the differences are between them. Good troubleshooting step

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