Instances not starting

OS Name/Version: Ubuntu 24.04

Product Name/Version: AMP

Problem Description: AMP backend is not available on new Ubuntu install. When I click start on the web instance it shows attempting to start but never seems successfull. No instances are shown running on the server.

If you're sharing console output, logs, or commands you have run, please make sure to use code tags 
(3x backticks for blocks, 1x backtick for a single line) to help make posts readable. This also
provides syntax highlighting.

Steps to reproduce:

  • Step 1: Install Ubuntu and AMP with Docker option enabled and HTTPS disabled.
  • Step 2: Go to local homeserver address and attempt to start new instance.

Actions taken to resolve so far:
Reinstalled OS and AMP. Restarted AMP Instance Manager and Rebooted.

[06:41:58] [Core Info/1]          : Starting AMP version (Callisto), built 24/07/2024 21:33
[06:41:58] [Core Info/1]          : Stream: Mainline / Release - built by CUBECODERS/buildbot on CCL-DEV
[06:41:58] [Core Warning/1]       : Current time zone is set to CST - It is recommended you switch to UTC+0 to avoid time-zone related issues
[06:41:58] [Core Info/1]          : OS: Linux / x86_64
[06:41:58] [Core Info/1]          : CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-8600K CPU @ 3.60GHz (6C/6T)
[06:41:58] [Core Info/1]          : RAM: 15925MB
[06:41:58] [Core Info/1]          : AMP Instance ID: da14b389-db81-41bc-89b9-279010ff5f35
[06:41:58] [Loader Info/1]        : Loaded ADSModule version by CubeCoders Limited
[06:41:58] [Loader Info/1]        : Loaded FileManagerPlugin by CubeCoders Limited
[06:41:58] [Loader Info/1]        : Loaded EmailSenderPlugin by CubeCoders Limited
[06:41:58] [Loader Info/1]        : Loaded WebRequestPlugin by CubeCoders Limited
[06:41:58] [Loader Info/1]        : Loaded CommonCorePlugin by CubeCoders Limited
[06:41:58] [Loader Info/1]        : ADSModule requests dependency InstanceManagerPlugin...
[06:41:58] [Loader Info/1]        : Loaded InstanceManagerPlugin by CubeCoders Limited
[06:41:58] [Loader Info/1]        : ADSModule requests dependency SystemUserManagerPlugin...
[06:41:58] [Loader Info/1]        : Loaded SystemUserManagerPlugin by CubeCoders Limited
[06:41:58] [Loader Info/1]        : Loaded steamcmdplugin by CubeCoders Limited
[06:41:59] [Core Info/1]          : Metrics server started OK on port 12820
[06:41:59] [ADS Info/1]           : ADS startup complete in 100ms
[06:41:59] [ADS Info/8]           : Updating remote source CubeCoders/AMPTemplates
[06:41:59] [ADS Info/8]           : Updating existing remote source
[06:41:59] [FileManager Notice/1] : Using keypair with fingerprint 6glp0efdG6qO96LetfXCfrLBSlmy1E2vDEKRe6mFRkU=
[06:41:59] [FileManager Info/1]   : SFTP Server started on
[06:41:59] [Webserver Info/1]     : Websockets are enabled.
Already up to date.
[06:42:00] [Logger Info/14]       : RouterTimer@10Hz with 2 jobs started
[06:42:00] [Webserver Info/1]     : Webserver started on
[06:42:00] [Core Info/1]          : Checking for AMP updates...
[06:42:00] [Core Info/6]          : Startup mode is StartApplication.
[06:42:00] [Core Info/10]         : AMP is up to date.
[06:42:04] [InstanceManager Info/12] : dbc01692f5eb3df439f17aa550ab75f2182c87f518ed63ad206325ef46a94e03
[06:42:44] [InstanceManager Error/9] : LIM - Failure to make API call to Zomboid101: Connection refused
[06:48:18] [InstanceManager:ampadmin Info/18] : a0f0214489b476e80e74704a4579fc4ba3fc7309e0bdf23bf9e3e4fdaea453ab
[06:48:20] [InstanceManager Error/9] : LIM - Failure to make API call to Zomboid101: Connection refused
[06:48:26] [InstanceManager Error/10] : LIM - Failure to make API call to Zomboid101: Connection refused
[06:48:32] [InstanceManager Error/19] : LIM - Failure to make API call to Zomboid101: Connection refused
[06:48:38] [InstanceManager Error/16] : LIM - Failure to make API call to Zomboid101: Connection refused
[06:48:44] [InstanceManager Error/18] : LIM - Failure to make API call to Zomboid101: Connection refused
[06:48:50] [InstanceManager Error/16] : LIM - Failure to make API call to Zomboid101: Connection refused
[06:48:56] [InstanceManager Error/10] : LIM - Failure to make API call to Zomboid101: Connection refused
[06:49:02] [InstanceManager Error/12] : LIM - Failure to make API call to Zomboid101: Connection refused
[06:49:08] [InstanceManager Error/20] : LIM - Failure to make API call to Zomboid101: Connection refused
[06:49:14] [InstanceManager Error/16] : LIM - Failure to make API call to Zomboid101: Connection refused
[06:49:20] [InstanceManager Error/6] : LIM - Failure to make API call to Zomboid101: Connection refused
[06:49:26] [InstanceManager Error/17] : LIM - Failure to make API call to Zomboid101: Connection refused
[06:49:32] [InstanceManager Error/8] : LIM - Failure to make API call to Zomboid101: Connection refused
[06:49:38] [InstanceManager Error/11] : LIM - Failure to make API call to Zomboid101: Connection refused
[06:49:44] [InstanceManager Error/9] : LIM - Failure to make API call to Zomboid101: Connection refused
[06:49:50] [InstanceManager Error/12] : LIM - Failure to make API call to Zomboid101: Connection refused
[06:49:56] [InstanceManager Error/11] : LIM - Failure to make API call to Zomboid101: Connection refused
[06:50:02] [InstanceManager Error/10] : LIM - Failure to make API call to Zomboid101: Connection refused
[06:50:08] [InstanceManager Error/8] : LIM - Failure to make API call to Zomboid101: Connection refused
[06:50:14] [InstanceManager Error/17] : LIM - Failure to make API call to Zomboid101: Connection refused
[06:50:20] [InstanceManager Error/11] : LIM - Failure to make API call to Zomboid101: Connection refused
[06:50:26] [InstanceManager Error/20] : LIM - Failure to make API call to Zomboid101: Connection refused
[06:50:32] [InstanceManager Error/11] : LIM - Failure to make API call to Zomboid101: Connection refused
[06:50:35] [FileManager Activity/18] : Downloaded file __VDS__Zomboid101/AMP_Logs/AMPLOG 2024-07-31 06-48-19.log (Direct mode)
[06:50:38] [InstanceManager Error/18] : LIM - Failure to make API call to Zomboid101: Connection refused
[06:50:44] [InstanceManager Error/10] : LIM - Failure to make API call to Zomboid101: Connection refused
[06:50:50] [InstanceManager Error/20] : LIM - Failure to make API call to Zomboid101: Connection refused
[06:50:56] [InstanceManager Error/10] : LIM - Failure to make API call to Zomboid101: Connection refused
[06:51:02] [InstanceManager Error/11] : LIM - Failure to make API call to Zomboid101: Connection refused
[06:51:08] [InstanceManager Error/11] : LIM - Failure to make API call to Zomboid101: Connection refused
[06:51:14] [InstanceManager Error/16] : LIM - Failure to make API call to Zomboid101: Connection refused
[06:51:20] [InstanceManager Error/16] : LIM - Failure to make API call to Zomboid101: Connection refused
[06:51:26] [InstanceManager Error/8] : LIM - Failure to make API call to Zomboid101: Connection refused
[06:51:32] [InstanceManager Error/17] : LIM - Failure to make API call to Zomboid101: Connection refused
[06:51:38] [InstanceManager Error/20] : LIM - Failure to make API call to Zomboid101: Connection refused
[06:51:44] [InstanceManager Error/11] : LIM - Failure to make API call to Zomboid101: Connection refused
[06:51:50] [InstanceManager Error/18] : LIM - Failure to make API call to Zomboid101: Connection refused
[06:51:56] [InstanceManager Error/12] : LIM - Failure to make API call to Zomboid101: Connection refused
[06:52:01] [FileManager Activity/8] : Downloaded file __VDS__ADS01/AMP_Logs/AMPLOG 2024-07-31 06-41-57.log (Direct mode)

LIM - Failure to make API call to Zomboid101: Connection refused
LIM - Failure to make API call to Zomboid101: Connection refused
LIM - Failure to make API call to Zomboid101: Connection refused
LIM - Failure to make API call to Zomboid101: Connection refused
LIM - Failure to make API call to Zomboid101: Connection refused
LIM - Failure to make API call to Zomboid101: Connection refused
LIM - Failure to make API call to Zomboid101: Connection refused
LIM - Failure to make API call to Zomboid101: Connection refused
LIM - Failure to make API call to Zomboid101: Connection refused
LIM - Failure to make API call to Zomboid101: Connection refused
LIM - Failure to make API call to Zomboid101: Connection refused

@CubeCoders-Bot could you walk this user through checking the instance specific logs and look for any issues? My guess would be an activation issue if it affects all of them.

Thanks @Mike. How can I get started with the bot?

[15:30:47] [Core Info/1]          : Starting AMP version (Callisto), built 24/07/2024 21:33
[15:30:47] [Core Info/1]          : Stream: Mainline / Release - built by CUBECODERS/buildbot on CCL-DEV
[15:30:47] [Core Info/1]          : Running in a Docker environment.
[15:30:47] [Core Info/1]          : OS: Linux / x86_64
[15:30:47] [Core Info/1]          : CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-8600K CPU @ 3.60GHz (6C/6T)
[15:30:47] [Core Info/1]          : RAM: 15925MB
[15:30:47] [Core Info/1]          : AMP Instance ID: 34ef2b06-7078-4a7d-afe1-a18923839013
[15:30:47] [Loader Info/1]        : Loaded GenericModule version by CubeCoders Limited
[15:30:47] [Core Info/1]          : Metrics publishing is enabled at udp://localhost:12820.
[15:30:47] [Loader Info/1]        : Loaded FileManagerPlugin by CubeCoders Limited
[15:30:47] [Loader Info/1]        : Loaded EmailSenderPlugin by CubeCoders Limited
[15:30:47] [Loader Info/1]        : Loaded WebRequestPlugin by CubeCoders Limited
[15:30:47] [Loader Info/1]        : Loaded LocalFileBackupPlugin by CubeCoders Limited
[15:30:47] [Loader Info/1]        : Loaded CommonCorePlugin by CubeCoders Limited
[15:30:47] [Loader Info/1]        : Loaded AnalyticsPlugin by CubeCoders Limited
[15:30:47] [Loader Info/1]        : GenericModule requests dependency steamcmdplugin...
[15:30:47] [Loader Info/1]        : Loaded steamcmdplugin by CubeCoders Limited
[15:30:47] [Loader Info/1]        : GenericModule requests dependency RCONPlugin...
[15:30:47] [Loader Info/1]        : Loaded RCONPlugin by CubeCoders Limited
[15:30:48] [FileManager Notice/1] : Using keypair with fingerprint ATNKo8htfPxj1S2+o6C8IhwJj4ObxY+Yd5vhpHQwpU4=
[15:30:48] [FileManager Info/1]   : SFTP Server started on
[15:30:48] [Core Warning/1]       : Expected licence feature RunAMP is not present.
[15:30:48] [Core Error/1]         : No valid AMP licence was found. Please open a shell as the 'amp' user and run `ampinstmgr reactivate Zomboid101` to reactivate this instance.
[15:30:48] [Core Info/1]          : Available features: )
[15:30:48] [Core Info/1]          : Active Licences: 

It’s supposed to be replying already, I was right anyway. Just run ampinstmgr reactivateall as the amp user.

I was using the wrong activation key. Thanks!

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