How do you rebind the port of the web address from 8080 to 8000?

OS: Ubuntu latest version

How do you rebind the port of the web server from the default 8080 to 8000?
Recently tried this below:

sudo su -
ampinstmgr rebind

but I get this error

[Error] No such instance matching name: ''

I don’t know the name of the instance due to the fact i have started any instance i know off all ive done is run the basic fast setup and thats it and now trying to change the port of 8080 yo 8000

You don’t. ADS shouldn’t have it’s port moved. Whatever else is on 8080 should be the thing that’s moved.

Also ampinstmgr commands have to be run as the amp user - not as root.

I run a lot of services on my server and for some reason quite a few default to port 8080. Some I can change, some I cannot. Does AMP really need to run on 8080?

Possible, but more trouble than it’s worth usually (don’t remember the steps off the top of my head). Need to rebind the auth and bunch of stuff like that. Far easier to change the port of the other application (if you’re able)

Still an issue i would also like to know how to rebind the port

The answer was already given - via ampinstmg rebind - but without a lot of fuss you’ll damage your AMP installation, so its better to move other applications rather than try and move AMP.