How do I run 2 instances of Minecraft Bedrock?

I’m running on Windows 10 Pro

Currently I have one instance of Minecraft Bedrock running and need to add another for my kids. I created another instance and tried to start it with no luck, it says its running but does not show up on the network. If I stop the other instance the new one will start/load and I can log onto that world.
I feel I am missing something simple but with my limited knowledge I’m not sure what to do. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank You!

It’s a limitation with the way Microsoft has Bedrock networking set up on consoles. (On Windows 10 and Mobile, you can input the server IP + port manually)

Essentially if the server’s port is not 19132, it will not show in the quick connect section.
The only work around for consoles would be to set up an entire VM to run the other Bedrock server.

Alternatively, you can set the 2nd server to be publicly accessible, then use something like this to join the server.

When creating the 2 bedrock instances, make sure the ports are different, and also make sure that the instances do not start upon creation. Create the first Bedrock instance with a port something like 19150. Start the instance up and let the server start. Confirm within the console that server start on port 19150 and 19151 (there should be 2 in the console). Create the second instance with port 19160. Make sure you do one at a time.

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