How do I change where AMP stores instance data?

Adding additional data storage locations (Recommended)

As of AMP 2.4, you can add additional datastores. This is configured via the Datastores tab from the main menu. You can then select where instances are created either by picking a specific datastore from the create instance screen, or by changing the datastore priorities to make a preferred datastore the default.

Changing the ‘Master’ datastore (Not Recommended)

Generally speaking this is not recommended. On Linux and Windows this is best achieved by moving the original datastore directory ( See: Where does AMP store its data? ) and then creating a symlink (via ln -s on Linux or mklink for Windows) back to it’s original location. The steps below are mainly for historical purposes as some users have needed them for reference during troubleshooting.


  1. As root or sudoer, make a new directory (call it whatever you want) for the datastore or instance(s) in the new /PATH. This could be for example in /mnt or /srv, or wherever you want the datastore or instance(s) to be moved to. The amp user must have access to /PATH, although it does not need to be the owner - 755 permissions are sufficient.In the commands below, substitute the full path for /PATH:
sudo mkdir -p /PATH/amp
sudo chown amp. /PATH/amp
sudo chmod 775 /PATH/amp
  1. Switch to the amp user and stop AMP:
sudo su -l amp
ampinstmgr -o
  1. Still as the amp user, move the existing data and then symlink it back to its original location:
mv /home/amp/.ampdata /PATH/amp/
ln -s /PATH/amp/.ampdata /home/amp/.ampdata


Alternatively on Windows, you can edit the InstanceStore field in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\CubeCoders\AMP\InstanceManager registry entry. You’ll also need to edit the Instances.json file (while all AMP instances are stopped!) to update the locations. If you are running an instance as a Windows Service you will have to reinstall the service.