Had drive failure and even after fresh install and deleting user data and data store. Cant login in to finish setup

OS Name/Version: windows server 2012R2

Product Name/Version: (Always use the full version number - not ‘Latest’) amp

Problem Description: Had drive failure and even after fresh install and deleting user data and data store . Even when i do get what seams to be fresh install upon setup i cant login after i create username and password. I am thinking its something broken with credentials but dont know where to delete old ones.

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Steps to reproduce:

1 Brick your old installation
2 uninstall and delete all the data and stop service
3 reinstall
4 get to screen where you make user and password
5 opens web browser to finish setup
6 login fails with new and old credentials
7 do that 10 times and give up and post to forum

Actions taken to resolve so far: search everywhere for amp data or anything remotely related and delete. also tried new user account same issue
also i had this happen to me 2 years ago but cannot for the life of me remember how i fixed it

Did you follow https://discourse.cubecoders.com/ ?
As mentioned there, a reinstall isn’t a fix. Did you check your ADS logs? Share them with us. I assume, this is a standalone installation?

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